
来源 :中兽医医药杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shenbincool
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无特异病原体(SpecificPathogenFree,SPF)动物指体内外无特定微生物和寄生虫的动物,因为它排除了实验动物本身的传染病原及寄生虫,实验结果准确、可靠,在生物医学各个领域研究中得到广泛的应用,是现代实验动物科学的标志。通过剖腹产或药物净化可获得SPF小鼠,但这两种方法有很多缺陷:剖腹产准确手术时间难以掌握,而且所得到的乳鼠要经代乳饲喂,成活率低,一些病毒(如淋巴细胞脉络丛脑膜炎病毒)可通过胎盘传给仔鼠,达不到净化效果。药物净化法一般很难达到SPF级。本研究建立了一种通过胚胎移植技术获得SPF小鼠的方法。具体是在无菌条件下,将普通级C57BL/6J近交系小鼠胚胎冲取出来,移植给SPF级NIH封闭群雌鼠,这样SPF级受体鼠NIH可出生SPF级C57BL/6J仔鼠,通过这一方法可将普通级C57BL/6J小鼠直接净化达到SPF级。在无菌条件获得普通级近交系C57BL/6J小鼠胚胎75枚,分别移植给同期假孕SPF级NIH小鼠,共生产28只C57BL/6J小鼠,胚胎移植成活率37.3%。乳鼠在隔离器内饲养,后经微生物及遗传检测,普通级C57BL/6J小鼠经胚胎移植后达到SPF级。 SpecificPathogenFree (SPF) animals refer to animals without specific microorganisms and parasites in vitro and in vivo because they exclude the infectious pathogens and parasites of the experimental animals themselves. The experimental results are accurate and reliable and are widely used in various fields of biomedical research The application of modern experimental animal science mark. SPF mice can be obtained by caesarean section or drug decontamination. However, these two methods have many defects: accurate caesarean section is difficult to grasp, and the resulting suckling mice are fed on behalf of the mice with low survival rate. Some viruses, such as lymphocytes Choriomeningitis virus) can pass through the placenta offspring, can not achieve the purification effect. Drug purification method is generally difficult to achieve SPF level. This study established a method of obtaining SPF mice by embryo transfer technology. Specifically, aseptic conditions, ordinary C57BL / 6J inbred mouse embryos were washed out and transplanted to SPF NIH herd female group, so SPF-level receptor NIH can be born SPF grade C57BL / 6J offspring By this method, ordinary C57BL / 6J mice can be purified directly to the SPF level. Seventy-five inbred C57BL / 6J mice embryos were obtained under aseptic conditions and were transplanted to the same stage of pseudopregnant SPF NIH mice. A total of 28 C57BL / 6J mice were produced. The survival rate of embryo transfer was 37.3%. The suckling mice were housed in an isolator. After being tested by microorganisms and genetics, ordinary C57BL / 6J mice reached SPF level after embryo transfer.
河南热参系茄科(Solanaceae)泡囊草属(Physochlaina)植物华山参(PhysochlainaInfundibu Iaris Kuang)的根。别名热参、山烟、醉汉草或白毛参。早在“本草纲目拾遗”及“陕西