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康拉德·阿登纳,曾是一位蜚声于国际政治舞台上的德意志联邦共和国的政治家,卒年91岁(1876—1967年),堪称世界近现代史中屈指可数的年事很高的国家领导人之一。 按照联邦德国的规定,男子65岁为退休年龄。令人惊奇的是,阿登纳却以73岁高龄就任联邦德国第一任总理,而且连任至87岁,一共当了14年总理(1949—1963年)。在主持国家的重建中,这个身材高大的老人,表现精力充沛,头脑敏锐,一天做的事情不亚于周围比他年轻得多的人。 据他的秘书以及他的生前好友所撰写的有关资料表明,阿登纳晚年能保持如此旺盛的活力,和他平时很 Conrad Adenauer, who was a politician of the Federal Republic of Germany who became famous on the international political stage, died at the age of 91 (1876-1967), one of the few years of modern history in the world One of the highest national leaders. According to the Federal Republic of Germany, men are retiring at the age of 65. Surprisingly, Adenauer took 73 years as the first German chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, and was reelected to 87 years of age, for a total of 14 years as prime minister (1949-1963). In the process of hosting the country’s reconstruction, the tall, elderly man is energetic and agile. He does as much as he does the rest of the world around him. According to his secretary and the information written by his ex-friends, Adenauer’s vitality in his later years can be maintained,
沙滩斗士 柔情母亲──记美国沙滩女杰琳达·汉蕾魏蔚译天伦之乐风年前退役的琳达·汉蕾曾是闻名全美的加州洛杉矾大学排球队的一员战将,如今做了母亲的她在尽享天伦之乐的并
湿地松(Pinus e11iottii),火炬松(P taeda)原产于美国东南沿海,二十年代引入我国,随后在长江流域十多个省区进行引种试验.现已向北引至陕西汉中(北纬33°04′),河南开封(34
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