治山区平原之水 奏除害兴利高歌

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新中国成立以来,特别是“63·8”特大洪水后,在毛泽东同志“一定要根治海河”的号召下,邢台市人民自力更生,艰苦奋斗,进行了大规模的水利建设,山河面貌焕然一新。从山区到平原,水利工程星罗棋布,共建有大型水库2座,中小型水库54座,修建堤防1600km,机井保有量10万眼,发展地下输水管道3.18万km,建成万亩以上灌区20处,修建大中型 Since the founding of New China, especially after the extraordinary flood of “63.8”, with the call of “Comrade Mao Zedong must root out the Haihe River”, Xingtai people have made great efforts to carry out large-scale water conservancy projects with their own efforts and hard work. From the mountains to the plains, water conservancy projects dotted together to build a large reservoir 2, 54 small and medium-sized reservoirs, construction of embankments 1600km, 100,000 wells keep, the development of underground water pipelines 31,800 km, completed more than 20 mu of irrigated area , Built large and medium-sized
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古希腊哲学家赫拉克利特斯说过: “除了变化之外,没有什么是永恒的。”诚然,这句话本身就是从那时至今极少没有变化的事物之一。时代一定要变,因此图书馆也必须变。技术的急
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对比剂所致肾病(contrast mediuminducednephropathy,CIN)一直以来是导致医源性急性肾功能衰竭最常见的病因之一。临床研究中试使用一些药物来预防CIN的发生,结果不容乐观,水