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民国时期的故宫博物院出现了多种刊物(或连续出版物),包括《故宫周刊》、《掌故丛编》等资料性刊物以及《国立北平故宫博物院年刊》、《文献特刊》等研究性刊物,这些刊物于“整理国故”的大背景下,深受北大国学门的支持和影响,另外当时故宫出版事业的蓬勃发展也为这些刊物的出现和发展提供了良好的条件。民国时期的故宫刊物特征鲜明,主要以资料刊物为主,另外无论从编辑体例上还是从内容上都一定程度带有北大国学门的烙印。这些刊物的出现意义非凡,促进了我国档案整理、明清史研究以及文物研究等多个领域学术研究的进步。 During the period of the Republic of China, a variety of publications (or serial publications) appeared in the National Palace Museum, including such informational publications as the Imperial Palace Weekly and the Papers of the Compilation, as well as research journals such as the Annual National Palace Museum, These publications, under the background of “arranging the country’s sake,” were greatly supported and influenced by the study of the Peking University. In addition, the vigorous development of the publishing business at the Forbidden City also provided favorable conditions for the appearance and development of these publications. The Forbidden City periodicals featured distinctive features in the period of the Republic of China, mainly focusing on information publications. In addition, the editorial of Peking University School of Sinology was carried to a certain extent both in editing style and content. The appearance of these publications is of extraordinary significance, which has promoted the progress of academic research in many fields such as archives consolidation in our country, research in Ming and Qing Dynasties and cultural relics research.
本文就145例新生儿破伤风的治疗进行观察和分析,重点讨论以下问题:TAT 除全身用药外,尚可脐周围封闭;解痉剂应两种药物配伍、交替使用,本组以水化氯醛与安定配伍效果最佳,安
路易·艾黎,1897年12月2日生于新西兰坎特伯雷地区斯普林菲尔德镇,1926年底取道澳大利亚来华.1927年4月21日抵上海,从此留居中国. Louis Alley, born on December 2, 1897 i
妈妈,爸爸走了,我陪你一起过吧  童年给我最深刻的记忆,就是爸爸妈妈吵架,他们总是在吵。  我12岁那年,爸爸妈妈离婚了。至今我还记得妈妈从法院回来的那一天,一进门就抱着我哭了:“俪俪,法院只判了2000块钱的抚养费,我们接下来的日子该怎么过?”那一瞬间我也很难过,我抱着妈妈说:“妈妈你别难过,反正以后我也不会结婚了,以后的日子我陪你一起过。”我悄悄大哭了一场,心里反反复复只有一句话:“我没有爸爸