Assay of biphenyl dimethyl dicarboxylate in rat plasma using high performance liquid chromatography(

来源 :延边大学医学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:daqizzq
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OBJECTIVE To develop a simple high performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of biphenyl dimethyl dicarboxylate in rat plasma. METHODS To use the methods of high performance liquid chromatography.The method used a smaller sample volume(0.1mL) and added 2.5volumes of acetonitrile for the determination of biphenyl dimethyl dicarboxylate. RESULTS The detection limit in rat plasma was 50?μg/L.The mean percentage recovery of the drug in the concentration range of 0.05~5?mg/L was 94.13% while the mean of the inter day coefficient of variation of the same concentration range was 2.39%. CONCLUSION The method needn’t internalstandard and the involved course of extraction. OBJECTIVE To develop a simple high performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of biphenyl dimethyl dicarboxylate in rat plasma. METHODS To use the methods of high performance liquid chromatography. The method used in smaller sample volume (0.1 mL) and added 2.5 volumes of acetonitrile the determination of biphenyl dimethyl dicarboxylate. RESULTS The detection limit in rat plasma was 50 μg / L. The mean percentage recovery of the drug in the concentration range of 0.05-5 mg / L was 94.13% while the mean of the inter day coefficient of variation of the same concentration range was 2.39%. CONCLUSION The method need not internalstandard and the involved course of extraction.
用苯浸提—甲醇沉淀法, 从杜仲愈伤组织干粉中提取杜仲胶。杜仲胶的平均得率为2.45% 。比较了不同浸提时间和不同浸提温度对胶产量的影响。24~28h 是最适宜的浸提时间,28~35℃
日  期             会 议 名 称                地  点2 0 0 0年9月 7~ 9日北美绝经 (期 )学会年会通讯处 :美国 奥兰多通讯处 : Orl
以瓜蒌、石斛、白芍、川芎、生地、元参、牛膝、五味子、菟丝子、枸杞子、车前子、覆盆子、益母草、泽兰、麦冬、当归组成的中药复方,其水提剂 11. 27,5. 64,2. 82 g/kg与雷公藤多着合用给大鼠ig,3个