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张仲景的《伤寒论》中载方113方,用桂枝者达36方,(其中以桂枝为主药19方,为辅助药17)《金匮要略》中用桂枝者有45方。可见桂枝在仲景方中的地位是重要的。一、解散表邪的运用 (一)调和营卫,解肌驱风:太阳统摄营卫,主一身之表,风邪初袭,荣卫失调,阳气外浮与邪相争则发热;风性疏泄以致卫外不固,荣不内守而汗出。证见脉浮缓、发热出汗恶风,头项痛等。仲景制桂枝汤。取桂枝温经散寒,解肌发表为主药,配白芍酸苦微寒和血敛阴,一散一收调和营卫,使表邪得解,里气以和;甘草、大枣助芍药以和里,生姜辛辣佐桂枝以解表,并借啜热稀粥使谷气内充,培养汗源,庶风邪得微汗而解。柯 Zhang Zhongjing’s “Treatise on Febrile Diseases” contained a party of 113 square meters, with Guizhi up to 36 squares, (in which Guizhi is the main medicine 19 squares, for the auxiliary medicine 17) “Golden Chamber” in the use of Guizhi 45 parties. It can be seen that the status of Guizhi in Zhongjing Fang is important. First, the dissolution of the use of table evil (A) to reconcile the health of the defendant, Jie Musu driving the wind: the solar system to take care of the guard, the main one of the table, the early attacks of Feng Xi, Rong Wei disorders, yang and foreign gas floating in the fight with the evil will be fever; Sexual dredge so that outside the guard is not solid, Rong does not keep inside and sweat out. The card witnessed the slowness of the pulse, fever and sweat, and the first item of pain. Zhongjing made Guizhi soup. Take Twig, warming and dispersing the cold, releasing muscles as the main drug, with white fleas and bitter cold and blood convergence yin, a scattered and reconcile Ying Wei, so that the table evil solution, in the gas to and; licorice, jujube Assisting vasodilators in and in, ginger spicy Guizhi to solve the table, and the use of hot dilute porridge to fill the valley gas, the source of sweat culture, the whirlwind evil to sweat and solution. Ke
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