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一、前言自1898年丹麦普尔逊发明钢丝录音机以来,磁记录技术已在录音、录像、计测、电子计算机等领域获得了广泛的应用。作为磁记录设备心脏的磁头,不仅品种、数量急剧增加,其结构、性能也在不断改进和提高。表1为两类磁头的进展情况。 I. Preface Since 1898 Danish Pulson invented the steel tape recorder, the magnetic recording technology has been widely used in the fields of recording, video recording, measurement and electronic computer. As the magnetic head of the magnetic recording device, not only the variety and the number of the magnetic recording heads have rapidly increased, the structure and performance have been continuously improved and improved. Table 1 shows the progress of two types of heads.
【正】 据《EDN》32卷14期报导:由西门子公司推出的SAB82257 16比特DMA控制器能直接与80286、80186/188和8086/88μP连接。该控制器有四条独立的DMA通道。在80286系统中,时钟
可抹光盘于1989年问世,在这以前,除了光盘只读存储器以外最热门的光盘是WORM 盘“一次写多次读”,但不能抹掉。计算机用的第一个可抹掉光盘是日本佳能公司研制出来的。这是
东海0520DH微型计算机是上海电子计算机厂继东海0520C和东海0520DI微型计算机后,最近推出的具有高级汉字显示功能的微型计算机,它与IBM PC/XT全兼容,并且具有良好的可扩充性
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[Objective] To observe the protective effects of APS-A1 on blood vessel endothelium function induced by isofenphos-methyl. [Method]The ex vivo aorta pectoralis
腐败现象及其病因   就中国的情况而言,反腐惩腐,几经沧桑,多个回合,遏制与蔓延时有轮回。不经几时,腐败局部性的还呈严重蔓延和猖獗之势,显露着一幅幅令人作呕、令人惊讶、令人
采用光电非接触三坐标扫描测量仪测量了液力变矩器叶轮和叶片,并建立了叶轮和叶片的三维模型。详细介绍了测量方法和如何得到各叶轮的零件图和叶型图。 The impeller and th
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A coupled thermal-mechanical model of the rotary swaging of pure magnesium was developed using the general finite-element software program MSC/Marc to visualize