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一、公告出台背景为进一步简化税务行政审批,国家税务总局下发了《国家税务总局关于公布已取消的22项非行政许可审批事项的公告》(国家税务总局公告2015年第58号),其中明确,企业境外所得适用简易征收和饶让抵免得核准予以取消。为做好取消该项税务行政审批事项的后续管理工作,制订发布本公告。二、关于税务行政审批事项取消后有关管理问题的规定(一)对于企业境外所得符合《财政部国家税务总局关于企业境外所得税收抵免有关问题的通知》(财税〔2009〕125号)第十条第(一)项和第(二)项规定情形的,可以采取简易办法对境外所得已纳税额计算抵免。为简化管理程序,将原税务审批规 I. Introduction of Announcement In order to further simplify the examination and approval of tax administration, the State Administration of Taxation issued the "Notice of the State Administration of Taxation on Canceling 22 Projects Relevant to Non-Administrative Licensing (No. 58 of 2015 of the State Administration of Taxation) Clearly, the application of simple income outside the enterprise income and allowance to be allowed to cancel canceled. In order to do a good job of canceling the follow-up management of the tax administrative examination and approval matters, the Company formulated and promulgated this announcement. II. Requirements on Relevant Management Issues after the Cancellation of Administrative Examination and Approval Items (I) For enterprises whose overseas income accords with the Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on Relevant Issues Concerning the Tax Revenue from Overseas Enterprises (Cai Shui [2009] No. 125) Article (1) and (2) of the provisions of the case, the easiest way can be adopted to calculate the amount of tax on overseas income tax credit. To simplify the management process, the original tax approval rules
团队,顾名思义就是由员工和管理层组成的一个共同体,它合理利用每一个成员的知识和技能协同工作,解决问题,达到共同的目标。团队的 The team, as the name suggests, is a c
The human brain is known to be influenced by environmental stimuli(Feeney et al.,1982;Kaplan,1988).Therefore,research on the brain activation pattern by externa
论述车削、钻削、铣削毛刺研究的分类及其主要的影响因素。针对毛刺的危害 ,介绍几种生产实际中常用的去毛刺方法。阐述提高毛刺测量技术、扩大毛刺研究领域、制定毛刺标准和
目标:  1、能随着音乐愉快地想象并表现各种刷子。  2、在比较、交流的过程中进一步了解刷子的特征和用途。  准备:  1、“嘻刷刷”专卖店场景,幼儿用废旧材料自制各种刷子。  2、“除尘宝”刷子,门铃,围裙,有关车刷的DVD资料,“除尘宝”电视广告录像片断。  3、幼儿学过歌表演“刷牙舞”,《会跳舞的刷子》(自编)《刷牙歌》《嘻刷刷》《单簧管波尔卡》的音乐磁带。  过程:  一、会跳舞的刷子  
鱼藤根粉剂是以鱼藤属(Derris Lour.)植物的根部为主要有效成分配制成的粉末状制剂,其中植物鱼藤根(鱼藤酮含量为4%)在制剂中的含量为30%。鱼藤根粉剂是新型的植物源药剂,以