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第十届理光杯“我是中国小记者”摄影大赛开幕了。中国少年儿童新闻出版总社《中国少年文摘》杂志社和理光(香港)有限公司多媒体中心在成功举办第九届理光杯“我是中国小记者”摄影大赛的基础上,决定与《中学生》杂志社联合举办第十届理光杯“我是中国小记者”摄影大赛。本届大赛正值中国共产党十七大召开、万众瞩目的2008年北京奥运会召开等众多重大事件发生前后, The 10th Ricoh Cup “I’m a Chinese journalist” photo contest opened. The Children’s Digest Magazine of China Children’s and Children’s Press and Publication Corporation and the Multimedia Center of Ricoh (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. decided to join the “High School Students” on the basis of the successful holding of the 9th Ricoh Cup”I’m a Chinese journalist” photography competition. “The Magazine” co-hosted the 10th Ricoh Cup “I’m a Chinese journalist” photo contest. The current event coincided with the occurrence of many major events such as the convening of the 17th CPC National Congress and the much-anticipated 2008 Beijing Olympics.
Since uprooting myself from a sentimental hutong inside the SecondRing Road to the outlying outer eastFifth Ring Road about a month ago, Iam still in the process of acquainting myselfith the new surro
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近些年来,各省各地的文化产业发展规划铺天盖地。但细心观察一下,多是这样几类:一是文化产业的产值对GDP的贡献是多少,二是主导产业是什么,三是开辟了大面积的文化创意产业园。  无独有偶,人民网发布了云南省的文化产业十二五规划,其中明确提出了“文化產业GDP贡献要从6%上升至8%,主打文化演出、休闲娱乐、珠宝玉石等十大文化主导产业,十二五末,打造3至5个资产收入过百亿的文化企业”。上述这些,有的以前叫
这是在中央电视台《动物世界》节目中,看到的一则关于昆虫的真实的故事。  在亚马逊热带雨林,有一种昆虫,很漂亮,很迷人。这种昆虫有红红的壳子、黑亮的斑点,还有一个美丽的名字——七星瓢虫。这种七星瓢虫,可能是世界上最聪明,最有智慧的虫,因为它们有着不可思议的本领。  也许是与生俱来的一种本能,成长至某个阶段,这种七星瓢虫便会不停飞动,四处寻找。终于,它找到了一处光线充足、肥沃松软的土地,便停了下来。接
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Walking in Tibetan inhabited areas,you will often encounter a number of pilgrims prostrating themselves on the roads to holy places. When we see them on the gro
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