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为了进一步改善投资环境,吸引更多的国内外资金、技术、人才和管理经验参与云南的开发与建设,云南省最大限度地放宽对外来投资的各种限制。除国家明令禁止的以外,对外来投资企业在云南省投资的领域和行业不限制,外来投资设立企业的条件及经营地域和持股比例不限制,经营范围不限制,投资方式不限制,产品内外销比例不受限制。今后,在云南省设立的外商投资企业和省外来滇投资企业可以对云南珍稀生物资源进行培育性开发,投入资金和技术改造云南传统产业,省外和境外企业和个人进入种植业、水利、商业零售、旅游等领域投资设立企业的条件将放宽,持股比例根据项目实际情况 In order to further improve the investment environment and attract more domestic and foreign funds, technologies, talents and management experiences to participate in the development and construction of Yunnan Province, Yunnan Province will relax various restrictions on foreign investment to the maximum extent possible. Except as expressly forbidden by the State, there are no restrictions on the fields and industries in which foreign-invested enterprises invest in Yunnan Province. The conditions for foreign-invested enterprises to establish enterprises and the geographical scope of their operations and the proportion of their shareholding are not limited. Their business scope is not restricted, their investment methods are not limited, Export ratio is not limited. In the future, foreign-invested enterprises established in Yunnan Province and foreign investment enterprises in Yunnan Province will be able to nurture the rare biological resources in Yunnan Province and invest funds and technology to transform traditional industries in Yunnan Province. Enterprises and individuals outside the province and outside China will enter the fields of planting, water conservancy, commerce Retail, tourism and other fields to set up investment conditions will be relaxed, the proportion of shares according to the actual situation of the project
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