Persistent mental symptoms and rabies

来源 :上海精神医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qin6668
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We read the case report by Wang and colleagues with great interest.The authors linked persistent mental symptoms of the patient with rabies encephalitis.However,we think that the points listed below should be explained more clearly before this diagnosis can be confirmed.1)The incubation period of rabies is only three days.It was not mentioned which body part was bitten by the dog.If the bite was close to the central nervous system,it would be especially important for development of rabies. We read the case report by Wang and colleagues with great interest. Authors linked persistent mental symptoms of the patient with rabies encephalitis. However we think that the points listed below below should be explained more clearly before this diagnosis can be confirmed.1) The incubation period of rabies is only three days.It was not said which body part was bitten by the dog.If the bite was close to the central nervous system, it would be especially important for for of rabies.
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