Compact cylindrical multipass cell for laser absorption spectroscopy

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fffia
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A compact multipass cell with low fringes and high thermal stability is described.This cell is formed by two twisted cylindrical mirrors.The optical parameters are determined based on the selection criteria,which include mirror filling efficiency,interference fringes,and pattern stability.With a pattern of 174 passes,this cell gives a 22-m path length in a volume of 0.55 L.The results of an absorption measurement of oxygen at 13 091.7 cm 1show that the fringe noise is lower than 6.54×10 4.The maximum allowed temperature change to keep the beam from exiting is 33 K,which indicates high stability against thermal drift. A compact multipass cell with low fringes and high thermal stability is described. This cell is formed by two twisted cylindrical mirrors. The optical parameters are determined based on the selection criteria, which include mirror filling efficiency, interference fringes, and pattern stability. With a pattern of 174 passes, this cell gives a 22-m path length in a volume of 0.55 L. The results of an absorption measurement of oxygen at 13 091.7 cm 1show that the fringe noise is less than 6.54 × 10 4.The maximum allowed temperature change to keep the beam from exiting is 33 K, which indicates high stability against thermal drift.
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