
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(心脏病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pig2540840
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Objectives: The goal of this study was to determine the relationship between established cardiovascular risk factors and the extent of coronary atherosclerotic plaque. Background: Few data exist correlating cardiovascular risk factors with volumetric measurements of coronary atheroma burden in patients with coronary artery disease. Methods: Clinical characteristics, quantitative coronary angiography,and intravascular ultrasound(IVUS) were evaluated in subjects enrolled in a study comparing atorvastatin and pravastatin. Plaque areas were measured at 1-mm intervals to compute atheroma volume. The percent of cross sections with an abnormal intimal thickness( >0.5 mm) was determined. Data on cardiovascular risk factors were collected. Results: In 654 subjects, atheroma volume averaged 174.5 mm3 and percent atheroma volume 38.9%. Atherosclerosis was present in 81.2%of 25,897 cross sections. In univariate analysis, there was a strong association between diabetes, male gender, and a history of either prior revascularization or stroke with percent atheroma volume. Hypertension or prior myocardial infarction was also predictive of more severe disease. Low-density lipoprotein and C-reactive protein were not significant predictors of greater disease burden. In multivariate analysis, diabetes, male gender, and a history of a prior interventional procedure remained strong predictors of increased atheroma volume. History of stroke, non-Caucasian race, and smoking status remained significant. Although multiple measures of IVUS disease burden were worse in subjects with diabetes, angiographic stenosis severity was not different. Conclusions: Male gender, diabetes, and a history of prior revascularization are strong independent predictors of atherosclerotic burden in coronary disease patients. Many risk factors did not predict angiographic disease severity, suggesting different mechanisms drive stenosis development and atheroma accumulation. Objectives: The goal of this study was to determine the relationship between established cardiovascular risk factors and the extent of coronary atherosclerotic plaque. Background: Few data exist correlating cardiovascular risk factors with volumetric measurements of coronary atheroma burden in patients with coronary artery disease. Methods: Clinical characteristics, quantitative coronary angiography, and intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) were evaluated in subjects enrolled in a study comparing atorvastatin and pravastatin. Platinum areas were measured at 1-mm intervals to compute atheroma volume. The percent of cross sections with an abnormal intimal thickness Results: In 654 subjects, atheroma volume averaged 174.5 mm3 and percent atheroma volume 38.9%. Atherosclerosis was present in 81.2% of 25,897 cross sections. In univariate analysis, there was a strong association between diabetes, male gender, and a history o Hypertension or prior myocardial infarction was also predictive of more severe disease. Low-density lipoprotein and C-reactive protein were not significant predictors of greater disease burden. In multivariate analysis, diabetes, male gender , and a history of a prior interventional procedure remained strong predictors of increased atheroma volume. History of stroke, non-Caucasian race, and smoking status remained significant. Although multiple measures of worse disease in subjects with diabetes, angiographic stenosis severity was not different. Conclusions: Male gender, diabetes, and a history of prior revascularization are strong independent predictors of atherosclerotic burden in coronary disease patients. Many risk factors did not predict angiographic disease severity, suggesting different mechanisms drive stenosis development and atheroma accumulation.
李瑞环,用劈柴做家具  2013年11月21日,“中国紫檀博物馆馆藏珍品特展”在广州艺术博物院拉开帷幕,李瑞环亲手制作的17件家具正是这个展览的一大亮点。据中国紫檀博物馆馆长陈丽华介绍,直到十几年前,李瑞环都已经是国家领导人了,家里还在使用这些家具。1999年,中国紫檀博物馆开馆时,李瑞环将这批家具捐赠了出来。记者了解到,首批捐赠的家具共20余件,这次展出的只是其中一部分。  博物馆为李瑞环的这组
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Aim: The relationship between apolipoprotein B, LDL/ApoB,ApoB/ApoA-1, lipids and a family history of very early myocardial infarction (parent and/or grandparent