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计算机领域的技术发展一直以来都是相当快的,快得现在消费者要问,我到底需不需要这么强性能的计算机。的确,很多消费者在思考购买一台划算的笔记本电脑呢,还是购买一些采用了最新技术的。便宜的虽然能满足自己的需求,但是又怕未来会很快被淘汰,购买一台采用了最新技术的产品呢又觉得有些浪费。同时,随着计算机的发展,计算机周边的技术也在不断地丰富,已经有越来越多的新技术被应用到实际的产品之后,对人们的生活产生了非常大的影响。比如WiFi技术让人开始可以懒洋洋地躺在家中的任何一个地方获取资讯;显示设备技术难关不断的攻破,消费者可以逐渐从显示屏幕上获得真实的画面感受。不久,英特尔酷睿2体系微架构的发布,AMDTurion64X2移动双核处理器的推出,消费者还没来得及真正体验的酷睿双核技术又要被酷睿2双核技术取代了,性能方面已表现出色的AMDTurion64也将退出舞台,从此走入双核时代了。等等这些,让人眼花缭乱的技术转眼即逝,新技术产品飞速而来,消费者不禁要问,未来的笔记本电脑到底要发展到何种程度?这个问题,我们分三个部分来谈,一是起着决定性因素的笔记本移动平台的发展;二是与笔记本电脑相关的外围功能与技术的发展;三是笔记本电脑本身在设计理念上随用户需求的多样化会发生什么样的改变。这三个方向是笔记本电脑产业发展的主要因素,不管在经历哪一种年代,过去的或者未来,这三个方向一直都会是主线。暂且不去论证这是否成立,先以这三个方向来分析未来的发展。 The technology in the field of computer technology has always been quite fast, fast now consumers have to ask, I do not need such a strong performance in the end the computer. Indeed, many consumers are thinking about buying a good laptop or buying some of the latest technology. Although cheaper to meet their own needs, but fear that the future will soon be eliminated, to buy a product using the latest technology, but also feel a bit wasteful. At the same time, with the development of computers, the technologies around computers are continuously enriched. More and more new technologies have been applied to the actual products and have a very big impact on people’s lives. Such as WiFi technology allows people to start lazily lying in the home of any one place for access to information; display equipment technical breakthroughs continue to break, consumers can gradually get from the screen real picture experience. Soon, Intel Core 2 Duo micro-architecture release, AMDTurion64X2 mobile dual-core processor launch, consumers have not had time to truly experience the Duo-core technology has to be replaced by Core 2 Duo technology, the performance has been outstanding AMDTurion64 will also withdraw Stage, from dual-core era. And so on, dazzling technology is fleeting, new technology products come quickly, consumers can not help but ask, in the end the future development of the laptop to what extent? This question, we have three parts to talk about, one Is the decisive factor that plays a key role in the development of mobile platforms for laptops; second, the development of peripheral functions and technologies related to laptops; and third, what kind of changes have taken place in the design of notebook computers as diversified user needs. These three directions are the main factors in the development of the laptop industry. Regardless of the age, past or future experienced, these three directions have always been the main lines. For the time being, we can not argue whether this is true or not. We will analyze the future development in these three directions.
心理咨询技术是综合了精神分析、人本主义心理学、行为主义心理学和认知心理学等多种心理咨询流派技术精华的谈话技术, 俗称“话疗”。班主任在和学生谈话过程中如果能从心理咨询技术中获得借鉴, 将大大提高班主任谈话的水平,迅速有效地解决学生的思想问题, 提高谈话的效率和学生的满意感。  【关键词】班主任;心理咨询;效果  1 倾听技术  倾听是班主任接待学生的第一步, 是建立良好的双方关系的基本要求。傾听既
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