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来源 :Beijing Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaolch010
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Latin American countries’ nationalization of their energy resources raises concern in the international energy market Recently, some Latin American countries have adopted policies to nationalize their natural resources, steps that have profound implications for the international energy market, especially the oil market, and have aroused widespread concern in the international community. The initiative was taken mainly in resource-rich countries and targeted largely at oil and natural gas companies. Latin America Latin American countries’ nationalization of their energy resources raiseds concern in the international energy market Recently, some Latin American countries have adopted policies to nationalize their natural resources, steps that have profound impact for the international energy market, especially the oil market, and have aroused The development concern in the international community. The initiative was taken primarily in resource-rich countries and targeted very small at oil and natural gas companies.
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Are there contradictions between governments’ regulations and what’s really happening in the tobacco world? The Marlboro Man, notorious in American ads for co