
来源 :水利电力科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JK0803zhaozhenhong
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<正> 2002年底,电力改革大幕落下。改革方案明确了电力市场化改革的总体目标,并提出了'十五'期间主要任务之一是实行竞价上网,建立市场运行规则和政府监管体系,初步建立竞争、开放的区域电力市场。区域电力市场由此成为电力改革的热门话题,有关各方对区域电力市场的模式、组建、相关机制等方面很是关注。6月2日和6日,电
In this work we present an experimental and theoretical study on the formation of ethane and acetylene from solid methane condensed at 20 K and irradiated with
Employing the Geilikman-Kresin (GK) theory, we address the experimental data obtained by Bauer et al., and by Schneider et al., on the thermal conductivity (κ)
Giant magnetoimpedance effect (GMI) is a subject of special interest proved by applied electrodynamic and technological applications. GMI effect in ferromagneti
The general expressions, based on the Fermi distribution of the free electrons, are applied for calculation of the kinetic coefficients in donor-doped silicon a
摘要:C++实验课是C++教学课程的重要组成部分,能够培养学生的创造性思维能力,能够培养学生自主学习的兴趣和能力,在教学的过程中能够发挥学生的主体性作用,提高课堂的教学和学习效率,因此在现代高校教学中占有重要的地位。  关键词:C++实验课;现代高校;重要地位  中图分类号:G632.0文献标识码:A文章编号:1007-9599 (2010) 13-0000-01  The Important P
Whole body counting (WBC) benefits from new types of detectors and methodologies. It has found applications in areas such as in medicine, protection of workers
<正> 随着人类生产生活对地球污染的日益加剧,不但使得我们的空气不再清新、森林不再茂盛,就连那些养育了各国文明的&#39;母亲河&#39;,也都面临着断流、水质恶化、河道萎缩等
<正> 6月18日上午9时,三峡左岸电站5号机组转轮正式吊入机坑。这台转轮是左岸电站中首台机组的&#39;心脏&#39;部分。它的安装标志着5号机组水轮机预装阶段已经结束,进入正式