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中央宣传部、中央统战部、文化部、广播电影电视部、新闻出版署、国家民委、国务院宗教局等部门分别于1993年和1994年联合下发了《关于对涉及伊斯兰教的出版物加强管理的通知》、《关于严禁在新闻出版和文艺作品中出现损害民族团结内容的通知》。国务院颁布的《出版管理条例》明确规定,出版物中不得含有“煽动民族仇恨、民族歧视,破坏民族团结,或者侵害民族风俗、习惯”的内容。这些文件和法规出台后,全国各新闻出版单位高度重视,在宣传马克思主义民族观、宗教观和党的民族宗教政策,介绍民族宗教知识,报道民族地区经济文化建设成就,促进各民族的团结进步等方面,做了大量的工作,发挥了积极的作用。但是,也有个别新闻出版单位疏于管理,把关不严,致使刊载涉及民族宗教问题的出版物不时出现问题,有的缺乏民族宗教的基 The Central Propaganda Department, the Central United Front Work Department, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Radio, Film and Television, the Press and Publication Administration, the State Ethnic Affairs Commission and the Religious Affairs Bureau of the State Council jointly issued the Guidelines on Strengthening the Publications concerning Islam in 1993 and 1994 respectively. Management Notice “and” Notice on Notification of Harm to National Unity in Press, Publication, and Works of Art and Materials “. The Regulations on the Administration of Publishing promulgated by the State Council explicitly stipulate that publications shall not contain ”incitement to ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, destruction of national unity, or infringement of ethnic customs and habits". After the promulgation of these documents and laws and regulations, all press and publication units across the country attach great importance to promoting the Marxist concept of nation and religion and the party’s ethnic and religious policies, introducing ethnic and religious knowledge, reporting on the achievements in economic and cultural construction in ethnic regions and promoting the unity and progress of all ethnic groups Have done a great deal of work and played a positive role. However, there are also some news and publishing units that are negligent in their management and lax in their control so that publications that contain issues concerning ethnic and religious issues have problems from time to time, and some lack the basis of ethnic and religious traditions
马齿苋为马齿苋科植物马齿苋 (Portulacaoler aceaL )干燥地上部分 ,全国各地均产。具有清热解毒 ,凉血止血之功能 ;用于热毒血痢 ,痈肿疔疮 ,湿疹 ,丹毒 ,蛇虫咬伤 ,便血 ,痔血 ,崩漏下血。近
目的 :比较改良的一步热酚法及Trizol试剂盒提取组织中RNA的差别。方法 :应用两种方法分别提取 2 0例兔肝脏的总RNA ,对所提RNA的产率、纯度及完整性进行鉴定。结果 :对比两
去年夏天,第一次见到孙燕姿这个黑黑瘦瘦的新加坡小妮子。当时的她名不见经传。只有唱片公司的企宣一个劲儿地向我推荐:她唱得很好的! 嗨,哪儿有卖瓜的不说自己家瓜甜的?企宣嘛,当
目的 :研究枳栉具子提取物的体内抗肝纤维化作用。方法 :用四氯化碳 (CCl4 )建立大鼠肝纤维化模型 ,造模开始后即给予枳栉具子提取物。实验结束后测定肝纤维化指标透明质酸、
美国著名作曲家,钢琴家、指挥家和音乐教 育家伦纳德·伯恩斯坦曾把大家对自己的 称谓排了一下队,认为自己第一是作曲家,然后才是钢琴家、指挥家、音乐教育家。而到了他的晚年,却