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青年电影演员赵静在影片《车水马龙》和《街上流行红裙子》中的表演,得到了观众的好评,为了使自己艺术上更成熟,她考取了北京电影学院.她现在是一名普通的大学生. Zhao Jing, a young film actress, won the audience’s praise for his performance in the movie “Cars in a Busy Place” and “Street Fashion Red Skirt”, and she obtained the Beijing Film Academy in order to make her art more mature. She is now an ordinary College Students.
阅读古书,常碰到“五味八珍”的说法.什么是“五味八珍”呢?“五”与“八”是古人概括自然与社会时常用的两个数词. Reading ancient books often comes across as “five
过去我烧小萝卜或凉拌小萝卜时,总爱把绿油油的萝卜缨扔掉.可我母亲总将它拾起 When I burned radish or salad radish in the past, I always dumped green radish, but m
爆竹声中送走了乙丑年,迎来了丙寅年.十二生肖中寅属虎.一九八六年为虎年.今日的宴席上,用猪、牛、羊、鸡、鸭、鱼肉等烹制的美馔佳肴屡见不 In the sound of firecrackers
原料:土豆500克,干面粉100克,桂花、白糖、芝麻、熟猪油各少许,花生油500克(实 Ingredients: 500 grams of potatoes, 100 grams of dried flour, sweet-scented osmanthus
吃,是生活中绝对重要的内容之一.但如果一个人光知道吃,而不善于“不吃”或“少吃”,那末. Eating is one of the most important aspects of life, but if one does not k
灌肠是一种多样化的大众熟肉制品.灌肠的品种较多,有肉肠、粉肠、红肠、香雪肠、 Enema is a variety of popular cooked meat products. Enema more varieties, sausage,
当前,欧美许多国家,人们尝到常食用过分精细的食物带来的苦头,因此玉米已成为一种热门保健食品.新兴的玉米食品,种类繁多, At present, many countries in Europe and the
当你来到湖南省通道侗族自治县时,到处都可以闻到诱人的姜香.自古以来,这里就享有“生姜之乡”的美誉.生姜富含人体所 When you come to the Tongdao Dong Autonomous Coun
1 苏州城里的几家面店一过立夏.都会挂出供应“白汤面” 的牌子.说起“白汤面”的来历.这其中还有一番曲折呢! A few noodle shop in Suzhou City, the beginning of a sum