Protective Effect of Salvianolic Acid A on Brain Endothelial Cells after Treatment with Deprivation

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Objective Salvianolic acid A(SAA) has a significant protective effect on ischemia/reperfusion injury of brain. However, it is not clear for SAA to exert its cerebral protection by targeting at the microvascular endothelial cells of blood brain barrier(BBB). Our previous study demonstrated that SAA could hardly pass through the BBB. This present study was therefore designed to investigate the protective effect of SAA on brain microvascular endothelial cells(BMECs) induced by deprivation and reperfusion with oxygen-glucose. Methods Rat BMECs were treated with oxygen glucose deprivation(OGD), followed by reperfusion(OGD/R). Cell viability was assessed by MTT and the content of reactive oxygen species(ROS) in cells after OGD/R in the absence or presence of SAA. GC-MS based metabolomic platform was applied to evaluate the regulation of SAA on the cellular metabolic perturbation induced by OGD/R. Results OGD/R significantly increased the production of intracellular reactive oxygen species(ROS), and decreased the activity of cells. SAA significantly reduced ROS and improve the cell viability. Metabolomic study revealed distinct perturbation of metabolic pathways of energy metabolism in the BMEC induced by OGD/R, while SAA significantly regulated the perturbed metabolism involved in energy metabolism pathways, especially for intermediates in TCA cycle. Conclusion SAA shows protective effects on BMECs involved in central nervous system. Objective, SA is an acute protective effect on ischemia / reperfusion injury of brain. However, it is not clear for SAA to exert its cerebral protection by targeting at the microvascular endothelial cells of blood brain barrier (BBB). study demonstrates that SAA could hardly pass through the BBB. This present study was therefore designed to investigate the protective effect of SAA on brain microvascular endothelial cells (BMECs) induced by deprivation and reperfusion with oxygen-glucose. Methods Rat BMECs were treated with oxygen glucose deprivation (OGD), followed by reperfusion (OGD / R). Cell viability was assessed by MTT and the content of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in cells after OGD / R in the absence or presence of SAA. GC-MS based metabolomic platform was applied to evaluate the regulation of SAA on the cellular metabolic perturbation induced by OGD / R. Results OGD / R significantly increased the production of intracellular reactive oxygen species (RO SA) and reduced the activity of cells. SAA significantly reduced ROS and improve the cell viability. Metabolomic study revealed distinct perturbation of metabolic pathways of energy metabolism in the BMEC induced by OGD / R, while SAA significantly regulated the perturbed metabolism involved in energy metabolism pathways, especially for intermediates in TCA cycle. Conclusion SAA shows protective effects on BMECs involved in central nervous system.
本文通过对中等职业学校毕业生适应就业环境的自我评价和用人单位评价进行调查,了解中职学生如何通过体育锻炼改变社会适应力,并找出自身优势与不足。 Through the investig
[摘要]高校学院资料室是专业性极强的配套基地,其主要职能是为本专业师生提供专业文献信息服务。它是设在教学科研前线,比图书馆更贴近本专业的教学科研活动的重要场所。如何充分利用专业氛围浓郁的学院资料室对大学生实施专业思想和专业素质养成教育,是新时期学院资料室自身建设与职能拓展的一项新的工作任务,本文将对此进行专题探析。  [关键词]资料室 学生 素质 教育  [中图分类号]G251 [文献标识码]A
摘 要 人的生命具有至高无上的价值,失去生命,人的一切将不复存在。生命权是人最基本的权利,是一个人行使其他任何权利的前提。本文从国家责任的内涵开始,对备受瞩目的王家岭矿难与智利圣何塞矿难进行穿插比较,从而阐明国家承担生命权保障责任的必要性,并从宏观与微观两个角度构建生命权保障的国家责任体系。  关键词 生命权 国家责任 王家岭矿难 智利圣何塞矿难  作者简介:李斐琼,山西大学法学院宪法学与行政法学
目的 观察瑞舒伐他汀钙联合阿司匹林对缺血性脑血管病患者糖脂代谢的影响.方法 缺血性脑血管病患者120例,随机分为治疗组和对照组,各60例.两组均给予常规基础治疗,同时加用瑞