居安应思危 防患于未然——中国男乒重夺思韦斯林杯所引发的思考

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中国男子乒乓球队,经过6年的不懈努力,终于在自己的家门口打了一个漂亮的翻身仗,把思韦斯林杯从瑞典人手中夺了回来。国人无不为之欢欣鼓舞,这一辉煌战绩的取得,无疑标志着中国男乒的整体实力确有很大的提高,并且具备了与世界顶尖强队相抗衡的能力。 但是这种能力是否足以令今后的对手俯首称臣,思韦斯林杯在我们男乒小伙子们手中究竟能保持多久,则需要我国乒坛人士在喜庆之余莫忘认真地思索一下。 俗话说居安应思危防患于未然。在奖杯和鲜花面前,在赞誉和褒奖声中,我们应该保持冷静的头脑,并要认真地查找自己的不足及克服不足的有效方法,才能使我们的乒乓球水平不断跃上新的台阶,正如宋诗云:不畏浮云遮望眼,只缘身在最高层。 亚、欧两洲势均力敌 勿庸置疑,欧洲男乒的实力近年来一直领先于亚洲,特别是以瑞典人和法国人为首的欧洲劲旅,在一系列世界大赛上给以中国、韩国为代表的亚洲乒团以颜色,在世界男乒的舞台上当仁不让地充当领衔者。 数年之后的今天,中国男乒梦圆津门,将老牌冠军瑞典队斩于马下,令亚洲乒坛扬眉吐气。中国男乒用自己非凡的实力向世界证明:欧洲人从此不再是世界男乒的绝对统治者,世界乒坛将出现欧、亚两分天下的新格局。 Chinese men’s table tennis team, after 6 years of unremitting efforts, finally made a beautiful turnaround in front of their own home, the Sieweslin Cup took back from the hands of the Swedes. The Chinese people all rejoice, the acquisition of this brilliant record, no doubt marks the overall strength of China’s men’s ping has indeed greatly improved, and have the ability to compete with the world’s top teams. However, this ability is enough to make the future opponents, Sivirine Cup in the hands of our men’s Pingpai how long to maintain how long, you need our country table tennis fans in the celebration of more than forgetful to think about it. As the saying goes, home security should be taken precautionary measures in the first place. In the face of trophies and flowers, in the praise and praise sound, we should keep a cool head, and to seriously find their own deficiencies and overcome the lack of effective ways to make our table tennis constantly leaps to a new level, just as Song poetry cloud: defying the clouds to look into the eye, only edge in the highest level. Asia, Europe, the two sides evenly matched without question, the strength of the European men’s ping has been in Asia in recent years, especially in Sweden and France led the European giants in a series of World Series to China, South Korea as the representative of Asia Pingtang to color, on the stage in the world of male Pingping doing my part as a leader. A few years later today, China Menpingping round door, the veteran champion of Sweden cut under the horse, so that the Asian Table Tennis Championship proud. Chinese men’s ping prove to the world with their extraordinary strength that Europeans will no longer be the absolute ruler of the world’s men’s ping and the world’s ping-pong will have a new pattern of world split between Europe and Asia.
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新年伊始,《台湾钓鱼》杂志向读者提出三个愿望:一愿台湾钓场回复清新面貌,二愿钓鱼人到处有鱼钓,三愿大家身体健康。 在谈到钓场环境时,文中说“钓鱼人一提到台湾钓场环境,
中国的钓鱼爱好者同仁们,祝你们新年好! 自从10年前我首次参加在北京怀柔水库举办的中日联次钓鱼比赛大会以来,到目前为止,我已去中国钓鱼16次。 我去过世界上26个国家、地区