
来源 :高原医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gonewind
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目的 :探讨酪氨酸与乙酰唑胺对高原移居者负荷运动后肺功能及血氧饱和度的影响 ,为药物改善和提高低氧环境下人脑 -体作业能力提供依据 ;方法 :随机选择驻守海拔 3 70 0m6个月的男性汉族健康青年 3 0名 ,甲组 :口服安慰剂 (自制炒面胶囊 ) 1 0人 ;乙组 :口服酪氨酸 1 0人 ,丙组 :口服乙酰唑胺 1 0人 ;连续服药 1 5天 ,于服药前、服药 1 5天后、停药 1 0天后三阶段采用EGM型脚踏功量仪进行负荷运动 (负荷指标 :2 2 5W :P1 75~1 80次 /分 )运动后 5分钟检测SaO2 并进行肺功能测验 ;结果 :服药前运动前甲、乙、丙组的SaO2 显著大于服药前运动后、服药 1 5天运动后和停药 1 0天后运动后甲、乙、丙组的SaO2 (P <0 .0 1 ) ,服药 1 5天运动后及停药 1 0天运动后乙、丙组SaO2 显著大于甲组 (P <0 .0 5) ;服药 1 5天运动后、停药 1 0天运动后乙、丙组的SaO2 显著大于服药前运动后甲、乙、丙组的SaO2 (P <0 .0 5) ;服药前运动前、服药前运动后、服药 1 5天运动后、停药 1 0天运动后的肺功能参数甲、乙、丙三组交叉比较无显著意义 (P >0 .0 5) ;结论 :酪氨酸与乙酰唑胺均能显著提高低氧条件下负荷运动后的SaO2 ,可能是通过改善和调节氧的弥散和氧的运输或氧利用的途径来完成的。 Objective: To investigate the effects of tyrosine and acetazolamide on lung function and oxygen saturation after altitude exercise in migrant workers, and to provide basis for improving the ability of human brain-body working under hypoxia environment. Methods: 30 healthy Han nationality males aged 3 70 0m6 months, Group A: oral placebo (homemade fried noodles) 10; Group B: oral tyrosine 10, Group C: oral acetazolamide 10 Person; continuous medication for 15 days, before taking medicine, taking medicine for 15 days, 10 days after the withdrawal of the three stages using EGM pedal power meter for load movement (load indicators: 2 2 5W: P1 75 ~ 1 80 times / Minutes before exercise, SaO2 was measured 5 minutes after exercise and lung function test was performed. Results: Before exercise, SaO2 in groups A, B and C was significantly higher than that before medication, after exercise 15 days and after exercise 10 days after exercise , SaO2 in group B and group C (P <0.01), SaO2 in group B and group C was significantly greater than that in group A (P <0.05) after taking the drug for 15 days and after stopping the exercise for 10 days. After taking medicine 1 After 5 days ’exercise, the SaO2 in group B and C after stopping 10 days’ exercise was significantly higher than that before exercise after group A, B and C (P <0.05). There was no significant difference in the pulmonary function parameters of groups A, B and C after exercise 10 days after exercise before taking medicine before exercise and after taking medicine for 15 days (P> 0.05) .Conclusion: Both tyrosine and acetazolamide can significantly increase the SaO2 after exercise under hypoxic conditions, possibly by improving and regulating the oxygen diffusion and oxygen transport or oxygen utilization Way to complete.
目的 研究新疆地区丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)基因型分布特点,并探讨 HCV基因型分布与性别、年龄、民族、病毒载量、肝脏损伤炎症程度、肝病转归的相关性,以及病毒载量与肝脏损伤炎症
1 临床资料rn患者女性,39岁,2012年12月8日因“再发咳嗽,胸闷,喘息三天”入院,患者既往有“哮喘”病史多年,门诊以“支气管哮喘”收入院.入院查体T36.2℃P84次/分R18次/分BP
目的 :了解在高原环境下急性高原病患者的预后与慢性高原病的关系 ;方法 :对地处海拔 3 658m医院 40年间 ( 1 955年 1 2月— 1 995年 1 2月 )收治并符合筛选标准的1 80 90例
目的 :观察进驻海拔 3 680m青年的通气无氧阈 ;方法 :受试者坐于踏车功量机上 ,以 60rpm连续蹬车 ,每 3分钟递增 2 5W ,蹬车至力竭时停止 ,用O2 CO2 气体测定仪分析每个负荷