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  After the “egg freezing” technology being allowed to be used in clinical practice, it has drawn accumulating number of people’s attention and favor from all over the world. The news that a Chinese “older” female star bluntly admitted that she had frozen her egg makes this medicine technology suddenly popularized among the ordinary people. Some people clap their hands in applause. On the other hand, some have questioned. There is no doubt that egg freezing brings more options to the fertility and birth of female and at the same time it is also confronted with the risk of subverting current social status.
  Xu Jinglei, the 41-years-old Chinese star, recently admitted that she had gone to the United States to freeze her nine eggs in order to keep the possibility of her becoming a mother. She said jokingly that it felt like she had found “the only regret medicine in the world”. After that, the CCTV news also revealed the whole process of egg freezing and said China’s Ministry of Health stipulates that single women must not implement relevant operations of assisted reproduction. Some hospitals allow single women to freeze eggs, however, three identifications must be provided when using the frozen eggs, which are identity card, marriage certificate and birth permission. “Egg freezing” immediately sparked widespread social concern and a lot of women who missed out on the average child-bearing period rushed to the hospital to ask about egg freezing process, related costs and its security. The discussion derived from egg freezing to women’s reproductive rights has become a hot topic.
  Egg freezing, also called frozen eggs, refers to gaining intravital eggs and freezing them when the matrix is healthy to prevent them from aging with the human bodies. And when they want to conceive a child, they can take out the frozen eggs and recover them to use. Egg freezing, in China, belongs to the scope of human assisted reproduction. In 2001, the Ministry of Health once released Regulations of Human Assisted Reproductive Technology and revised some parts of it in 2003. It explicitly puts that human assisted reproductive technology refers to the technology that uses medical technology and method to conduct manual operations of gametes, zygotes and embryos in order to achieve the purpose of fertilization. The application of human assisted reproductive technology shall be conducted in medical institutions for the purpose of medical treatment and in line with the national family planning policy, ethics principles and relevant legislation.   现年41岁的中国艺人徐静蕾最近坦承为了保留自己成为母亲的可能,曾赴美国冷冻了9颗卵子,她笑言觉得这就像找到了“世界上唯一的后悔药”。此后央视新闻也揭秘了冷冻卵子的全过程,并称“我国卫生部规定,单身女性不能实施辅助生殖技术的相关手术。有的医院允许单身女性冷冻卵子,但在使用冷冻卵子时必须提供三证:即身份证、结婚证、准生证”。“冷冻卵子”随即引发了广泛的社会关注,不少超过平均育龄期的妇女纷纷向医院打听冷冻卵子的过程及相关费用和安全性,由“冷冻卵子”到女性生育权利的探讨也成为热议的话题。
  Xu Jinglei forwarded the weibo of CCTV news and said that there is a kind of creature called #single women in China#, seemingly showing dissatisfied with the regulations. Later, Han Han also forwarded the weibo and protested that must fertility be bound to marrying a man? Han strongly questioned on the weibo: Isn’t it possible to conceive a child without marrying a man? Can’t she use her own eggs? Can’t women independently exercise reproductive rights? What’s more, unmarried pregnant women won’t be given birth permission and their children can’t even register residence unless accepting the penalty of huge social cost of maintenance. Must fertility be bound to marrying a man? Even such a straight man like me cannot accept it.
  Egg freezing has instantly become a hot topic in the network and certainly the media also will not miss such a public hot spot that collects many stars’ comments. But Xu Jinglei, the protagonist of the event, paid no attention to the confusion. For the matter freezing eggs in the United States, she personally regards it as unimportant and her answer was also straightforward, “It’s really just to preserve a choice for me.” In an interview with the media, Xu said frankly, “I think that one of the most terrible things for people is having no choice. When I was 25 years old, I thought like this, but when I was 30, it turns, and then 35, it was also different. I am not particularly at ease about myself, because my mind has been changing at all time. Who knows if it was again in five years, I would like to give birth to a child. It’s really hard to say.”
  From the answer, it is not hard to find Xu’s reason to freeze the eggs. She just simply wants to retain her reproductive opportunities in the future in the premise of the existing state of life unchanged. Nowadays, egg freezing clinical technology can totally help her to achieve her desire to delay the birth. For people like her who has no clear plan to be pregnant, it is really emphasizing real “regret medicine”. However, can the female friends who would like to delay childbearing through egg freezing completely relieve from the worries behind by this “regret medicine”? Perhaps the pesticide effect of the medicine is not as perfect as we thought.   徐静蕾转发央视新闻的微博表示“有一种生物叫:#我国单身女性#”,疑对此项规定表示不满。随后,韩寒也转发了微博表示异议,称“生育必须要和找个男人结婚捆绑吗”?韩寒在微博上强烈质疑:“想要个孩子但就是不想跟男人结婚不可以吗?自己的卵子自己还不能用了吗?女性不能独立行使生育权利吗?还有,未婚女性怀孕,准生证都不给,孩子未来连户口都办不下来,除非认罚巨额社会抚养费。生育必须要和找个男人结婚捆绑吗?连我这个直男癌都看不下去了。”
  The Application of Egg Freezing Technology
  The egg freezing technology which is called “the only regret medicine” in the world by Xu Jinglei has developed just about 30 years. In 1986, Australian scientists reported for the first that they conducted the first experimental study which successful brought about pregnancy through in vitro fertilization of frozen eggs. Since then, there are only over 200 children who were given birth through successful fertilization of recovered frozen eggs, which is even no more than 20 in China. Till the year 2004, China’s first baby bred by frozen eggs was just born in Jiangsu Province. From the initial slow freezing to today’s quick freezing, the protection degree of egg cells has been certainly improved. Even so, compared with the mature technology of sperm freezing and embryo freezing, egg freezing technology is far from mature.
  In news reports, the comments of Chinese media about egg freezing event display the characteristics of diversified content. Social ethics, laws, technological means, interviews on the parties and their like have become the specification of the media to report scramblingly. But most of the media are skeptical of the practices to retain reproductive rights by egg freezing or to delay childbearing by means of science and technology for some realistic demand. The titles and contents of the articles are filled with words like “unreliable”, “controversial” and “illegal” and so on.
  在新闻报道中,中国媒体对于冷冻卵子事件的表态呈现出多元化的内容特点。社会伦理、法律、技术手段,以及当事人采访等,都成为媒体争相报道的切入点。但是对于通过冷冻卵子来保留生育权,或者从现实需求来讲,用科学技术手段来延迟生育的做法,多数媒体对此抱有质疑态度。“不靠谱”、“争议”、“违法”等字眼充斥了标题和文章内容。   Compared to the conservative attitude in China, international egg freezing institutions in some other countries have opened the door for single women.
  The United States is one of the most open and commercialized countries, where young women not only can freeze their eggs for later use, but also can even repay the debt by providing eggs. Related to the donor’s physical condition and the degree of education, the payment ranges from one thousand to ten thousand dollars. In big companies like Apple and Facebook, they even have started to reimburse the fees of egg freezing for female staff. Amony them Apple has a maximum amount of 20000 dollars. Apple says in one statement that they will further expand the welfare for the female staff members, including prolonged maternity leave and reimbursement for egg freezing.
  Some other developed countries are also very open to egg freezing technology. The Japanese government allows single women under the age of 40 to freeze eggs. In May 2013, Japan’s first egg library was built. Japanese reproductive medicine ethics committee announced that the application for egg freezing of single women under the age of 40 is allowed to submit. Britain has begun using egg freezing technology for more than 10 years, and it has extracted and frozen eggs about 16,000. Among the owners of the eggs, the proportion of young single ladies is rising year by year. In Britain, there are more than 70 medical institutions which have legal license. Spain supports women in egg freezing and at the same time there are related legal constraints, laws and regulations that all healthy women over 18 years old can use the assisted reproductive technology provided by legal institutions to donate or use the eggs in the library. The laws also provide that the related institutions should absolutely guarantee the donor’s personal privacy.
  The Potential Risks of Egg Freezing Technology
  冷冻卵子技术的潜在风险   Literally, egg freezing technology seems similar sperm freezing. However, in terms of acquiring, the technique of getting eggs is much more complicated than that of getting sperms. Although egg freezing technology has upgraded from laboratory stage to clinical application, University of Wisconsin announced the formation of the world’s first egg bank until 2008, which also proved the difficulty of this technology from the side (In early 1970s, the United States had established a sperm bank with improved technology). As it is complex and difficult to obtain, it also brings about potential health risks to the objects of the egg.
  Each step of egg freezing operation is likely to bring direct or indirect damage to the implemented object, among which side effects of the ovulation drugs come first.
  Ovarian Hyper-Stimulation Syndrome (OHSS) is the women’s common symptom during the process of inducing ovulation by dugs. When being frozen, eggs which are more than normal ovulation number should be provided and the women who would like to preserve eggs through egg freezing technology have to mature the egg cells by ovulation injection, so there is the risk of developing OHSS high-risk signs. According to Human Reproduction Update published in Oxford Journal, the incidence of serious OHSS complications is 0.5% to 5%. Mild symptoms are abdominal distention, nausea, diarrhea or weight gain and what’s more serious, it may cause abdominal swelling, tachypnea, pleural effusion, cardiac arrest and even death.
  In addition, taking eggs from vagina with the guidance of B ultrasound belongs to the minimally invasive surgery. Therefore, it is possible to injure the uterus, urinary bladder, intestinal canal, blood vessel and other pelvic structures around ovary. If any mistake is made, it is likely to cause infection, sequentially lead to infertility.
  Although the risks above are small probability events, once the serious accident happened, it will be an irreversible consequence. Even if they can get compensation by legal devices, the infertility and even fatal consequences caused by the accident can only be borne by themselves.   Apart from the risks to the parties concerned, successful freezing and resurrection of the eggs is also a chance event. Although modern egg freezing technology has been increasingly mature, the highest recovery rate of the frozen eggs is only 70% now. Qiao Jie, the president of Peking University Third Hospital, said in an interview, “Egg-freezing needs further study. As the oocyte is delicate and there is much water in its cells, when being frozen, ice crystals are easy to form inside, which may cause damages to the oocytes. It is why the technique is quite difficult. ” According to experts, what affect the probability of final pregnancy success also include the environment in mothers’ uterus and other factors. In the face of the expensive operation cost, people who want to freeze eggs should also be ready to face the 30% failure rate. And the success rate also has a very close relation to the egg quality which is why the experts don’t recommend women over 40 to freeze eggs.
  除了给当事人带来的风险外,卵子的成功冷冻和复苏也是几率事件。虽然现代卵子冷冻技术已经日趋成熟,但目前被冷冻卵子复苏率最高也只有70%左右。北京大学第三医院院长乔杰接受采访时表示:“卵母细胞冷冻需要更进一步去研究,因为卵母细胞本身比较娇气,在冷冻的时候,它的细胞里面含水比较多,所以容易形成冰晶,可能会对卵母细胞造成一些损害,所以这个技术是比较困难的。” 据专家表示,影响到最终妊娠成功概率的,还有妈妈的子宫内环境等因素。在面对不菲的手术费用的同时,冷冻卵子者还要做好面对那30%失败率的准备,而且成功率的高低与卵子的质量也有着十分密切的关系,这也正是为何专家不建议40岁以上女性冷冻卵子。
  The Family and Social Problems Caused by
  Delaying Childbearing
  The age of 25 to 35 is the best age for women to conceive and it is also the age stage with the most abundant professional and emotional life. Many single women at this age who would like to delay childbearing by freezing healthy eggs hope to dedicate themselves to professional and emotional life and be free from fertility problems in the “golden age”. With the increasing knowledge of childbearing, female know intimately what the risks of elder pregnant women. In order to avoid such risks, surrogate manpower is likely to be the best way for elder egg-freezing women to give birth. However, surrogacy is banned by law in China.
  Childbearing delay will bring many unpredictable social problems that it may create many illegal surrogate groups. Organizations or individuals that regard selling the fertility of uterus as the major way of benefiting may be flocking to emerge because of the huge demand of the market. As fertility is peculiar to women, women of certain ages are very likely to be the victims of wrongdoings. What’s more, the rights and interests of newborns given birth to by surrogate are not protected by law in China. After communicating with legal experts, the reporter found that there is actually a fairly complex social problem behind the contradiction of the limitation of egg freezing technology application and the single women’s reproductive rights. Taking the example of inheritance, as the definition of a deceased is not clearly limited the way of birth in China, an unnatural born citizen can also be inherited. For this reason, if the natural born party requires more heritage than the heir who was born by frozen egg, from the perspective of the evaluation of a natural person regarded by current laws, it will lead to disputes. However, even if everything runs following the legal norms of assistive technologies, some social ethical problems will also be brought about.   From the perspective of families, healthy and stable members are the units to build a family. Dozens of centuries, the age and generation of the family members can not only reflect their status hierarchy in the family, but show the prosperity of a family. But to freeze eggs for the purpose of extending fertility period is likely to cause great changes of age structure in family members in the future.
  In 2013, Southern People Weekly published an article entitled The Rebirth of a Mother Who Lost Her Only Child. In 2009, 60-year-old Sheng Hailin suffered from unbearable sadness after losing her only daughter. Hence, she decided to adventure the test-tube baby surgery hoping to comfort her deadly injured soul by “regeneration”. During pregnancy, Sheng Hailin experienced the dangers and tortures of hemorrhoea, overall pain, body dropsy and so on. On May 25, 2010, with the birth of the twin daughters “Zhi Zhi” and “Hui Hui”, Sheng broke the age limit of maternal birth to become China’s oldest delivery woman.
  The birth of daughters was a great happy event, which diluted the haze in Sheng Hailin’s heart. They look at the children growing up day by day happily, but age and physical strength has become a new problem troubled the old couple. Sheng Signed with mention, “my only concern is how long can I insist on”. Even young parents would feel tired in child caring, not to mention Sheng’s family with such a huge age difference. A few years later, the couple would reach the age of retirement. Then where does the high cost of child-rearing come from? Originally without the twin daughters, the old couple’s life can be very rich. Now for their livelihood, the old couple who are more than 60 years old have to start work again to support the family. Exhausted, tired and toiling, how many years do the Sheng and her husband who should have enjoyed family happiness have to work to make the future for their children have no trouble back at home? Time and tide wait for no man. Another more serious problem has followed by: how long can the couple take care of their children?   Imagine if more and more women choose egg freezing to keep their reproductive rights, family like Sheng Hailin’s won’t be alone. The one-child policy has led to the emergence of many families that lost the only child. Then will the widespread application of egg freezing technology lead to more children orphaned in the future? Bearing means responsibility. Childbearing delay can be solved by technical means, but the parenting of parents cannot be substituted for by any other channels. Maybe in the future, the issues of childrearing need to think about more than those of reproductive rights.
  Freezing eggs in the United States belongs to personal incident of Xu Jinglei which does not involve the argument whether it violates women’s reproductive rights or not. However, after the institutional explanation of the official media, it raised people’s debate about reproductive rights and the height of the topic even rose to feminism for a time. The voices of the celebrities on the Internet are mostly backed Xu Jinglei, supporting her actions and thoughts. It is understandable that the netizens have different voices but it’s quite exaggerated to raise the female reproductive rights to woman’s rights. That is because the netizens are not satisfied with the restrictions of single women’s reproductive rights in present system of our country. Literally, the provisions of forbidding Chinese single women to freeze eggs in “Regulations for the Management of Human Assisted Reproductive Technology” issued by the Ministry of Health in 2001 go against the inherent reproductive rights of women, but the national conditions at that time can never be neglected when we discuss this problem.
  At the initial time of setting the system, China was facing the impact of high fertility when unmarried pregnancy was concerned a violation of public policy and risqué, and technology is also far from developed as today. From this point, the limitation of current system is also understandable. Even now, egg freezing technology is regarded as a kind of auxiliary treatment in most countries of the world. It remains the possibility of fertility for people with fertility problems and reproductive system function damage caused by chemotherapy. According to the survey, very few countries (only four countries, the United States, British, Japan and Spain) allow single women to implement egg freezing operation for the purpose of extending fertility period. The reason why egg freezing technology is not promoted all over the world is that every country has its own unique national condition and culture.   Can egg freezing for single women in China to retain reproductive rights be legalized in the future? Maybe this time the event that Xu Jinglei froze her eggs in the United States will be a turning point to further perfect the regulations for the use of artificial assisted reproductive technology in China. After all, any policy should keep pace with the time and the regulations that have not adapt to the development of the time should be timely adjusted. In the future, the application of the single women egg freezing technology may experience some twists and turns, but it may be like the legalized course of homosexuality in the European and American countries that after a period with growing pains, further legislative games will unaffectedly make it more formal. At the same time, along with the transition of ideas, egg freezing will have new understandings on the matter. By that time, people’s concerns may be no longer the application but they will weigh the pros and cons. At that time, the contents of their discussion are more meaningful. However, the current noises are just people’s hunger for their own rights.
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