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分析了浓淡分离燃烧对煤粉的着火及降低NOx的物理基础以及可被利用的程度。同时指出可能带来诸如低挥发份煤的飞灰碳含量增加、水冷壁管的高温腐蚀及引发炉膛结焦等负效应。为此提出了在一次风进入燃烧器后,使其在着火区域实现煤粉的局部浓淡分离燃烧方案,这可能是正确利用浓淡燃烧技术优点的方向。作者已在华中理工大学煤燃烧国家重点实验室立了此项目,旨在利用该技术降低双通道通用煤粉燃烧器NOx的排放量,而不是为了调峰与稳燃。指出双通道通用煤粉燃烧器的稳燃能力要比浓淡燃烧器强得多,是至今为止解决大型四角燃烧无烟煤锅炉的稳燃与低负荷运行唯一可靠的途径。 The physical basis of the combustion of pulverized coal, the physical basis of reducing NOx, and the degree to which it can be utilized are analyzed. At the same time, it points out the possible negative effects such as the increase of carbon content of fly ash, the high temperature corrosion of water wall tubes and the coking of furnace hearth. For this reason, a local shading separation combustion scheme that makes it possible to achieve pulverized coal in the ignition zone after the primary air enters the burner may be the direction in which the advantages of the lean burn technology are correctly utilized. The author has set up this project at the State Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, aiming to reduce NOx emissions from dual-channel general-purpose pulverized coal burners rather than for peak regulation and stabilization. It is pointed out that the dual-channel general-purpose pulverized coal burner has a much more stable combustion capability than that of a rich burner and is by far the only reliable way to solve the problem of stable combustion and low load operation of a large four-corner combustion anthracite boiler.
机jī器qì鸭yā和hé眼yǎn镜jìnɡ猴hóu驾jià着zhe直zhí升shēnɡ机jī,升shēnɡ到dào了le半bàn空kōnɡ。  机jī器qì鸭yā说shuō:“我wǒ们men现xiàn在zài到dào了le千qiān岛dǎo之zhī国ɡuó——印yìn度dù尼ní西xī亚yà。”只zhǐ见jiàn大dà海hǎi上shɑnɡ星xīnɡ罗luó棋qí布bù的de黑hēi点diǎn,那n
11月20日 晴  生活就像一条小河,记忆就像一张大网,捕捉着生活中难以忘怀的事情……  想着,想着,我回到了令人难忘的暑假旅游。暑假里,我旅游的地方很多,如野三坡、北戴河等,而最让我难忘的还是到内蒙古自治区乌兰察布草原。  草原的天空格外蓝,空气好新鲜,视野好宽阔,心情好舒畅。不知不觉中,我随爸爸、妈妈走进了蒙古包,好客的牧民捧上奶茶。我想:不会很咸吧!喝了两口,啊!甜中带咸,真是绝了。我忍不住
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
1.立即切断电源2.用灭火器把火扑灭,但电视机、电脑着火应用毛毯、棉被等物品扑灭火焰。 1. Immediately cut off the power 2. Fight the fire with a fire extinguisher,
7月11日 晴  每当我看见鸡蛋,就会想起童年生活中的一件傻事。  那是5年前的事了,那时我刚上一年级。有一次,我看见家中一只老母鸡孵的蛋快出小鸡了,我便蹲在那里看。“咯咯咯……”老母鸡出去找食了。忽然,一只鸡蛋微微的颤动,我知道小鸡快诞生了,赶忙靠近一点儿。这时,蛋壳上出现了一条细缝,小鸡在啄壳。蛋壳破了,从里面露出来一个小黄嘴。  小鸡出壳,半身在壳内,半身在壳外。“小鸡出来了!”我高兴地拍着