RF knock-out extraction in HITFiL

来源 :Chinese Physics C | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wxsshj
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A compact facility for cancer therapy has been designed and is presently under construction. A slow beam extraction system using the RF-Knock Out method and 3rd-order resonance is adopted in the synchrotron of this facility. Eight sextupoles are used, four of them are for correcting the chromaticity and the rest for driving the 3rd-order resonance. In order to save the aperture of vacuum chamber, a 3-magnet bump is adopted during the extraction process. The extraction phase space map and the last 3 turns’ particle trajectory before extraction are given. The matching betatron functions with HEBT (high energy beam transport) are also presented. A compact facility for cancer therapy has been designed and is presently under under construction. A slow beam extraction system using the RF-Knock Out method and 3rd-order resonance is adopted in the synchrotron of this facility. Eight sextupoles are used, four of them are for correcting the chromaticity and the rest for driving the 3rd-order resonance. In order to save the aperture of vacuum chamber, a 3-magnet bump is adopted during the extraction process. The extraction phase space map and the last 3 turns’ particle trajectory before extraction are given. The matching betatron functions with HEBT (high energy beam transport) are also presented.
近年来,在追求生活质量提高的 过程中,由于几千年封建文化 和愚昧的沉淀,肾虚的问题却把不少国 人搅得心神不安,男也肾虚、女也肾 虚、老也肾虚、少也肾虚,简直成了民 族灾难
[摘 要] 森林更新是一代幼林代替一代老林的过程,是巩固和发展现有森林基地,培育森林的有效途径。随着天然林保护工程的实施,采取人工更新与天然更新相结合的方式培育森林更为人们所重视。因此,采伐后迅速更新迹地恢复森林是森林更新的首要任务。  [关键词]人工促进天然更新恢复森林    森林更新是一代幼林代替一代老林的过程,是巩固和发展现有森林基地,培育森林的有效途径。随着天然林保护工程的实施,采取人工更
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