
来源 :资源与生态学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a76s333
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人类活动的碳排放量与城市化进程息息相关,城市土地利用、功能活力和交通系统组织是影响城市碳排放的重要因素.本文在厘清低碳生态城市空间结构特征的基础上,结合“评建结合”思想跟踪对比低碳生态城市建设情况,从规划方案和规划建成后两方面选取可量化的低碳生态城市空间特征为指标,评价并对比城市规划方案及规划建成后碳排放潜力.以济南市西部新城为例,测度其规划方案的建设用地多样性、到公共中心碳排放潜力、地块临街路网可达性及地块周边路网密度,测度建成后新区的城市功能混合度、城市功能密度、公交站点步行可达域和公交站点线路密度,并分别对其指标归一化后划分层级及等权重叠加,从区域及片区两层级评估碳排放潜力.评价结果表明:(1)规划方案中低碳排放潜力区域基本达到规划目标,体现了低碳生态的规划目标;(2)规划方案中各片区间及指标间不协调,建设用地多样性、地块邻接路网可达性区域差异较小,而出行碳排放潜力、路网可达性在各地块间差异较大;(3)规划建成后碳排放潜力尚未达到规划预期,低碳排放地块集中分布在长清老城区及党家镇中心地区;(4)建成后各片区碳排放指标差异较大,公共交通线路密度及城市功能混合度存在严重分布不均衡现象.“,”Carbon emissions caused by human activities are closely related to the process of urbanization, and urban land utilization, function vitality and traffic systems are three important factors that may influence the emission levels. For clarifying the space structure of a low-carbon eco-city, and combining the concept of “Combining As-sessment with Construction” to track and contrast the construction of the low-carbon eco-city, this research selects quantifiable low-carbon eco-city spatial characteristics as indicators, and evaluates and analyzes the potential carbon emissions. Taking the Jinan Western New District as an example, diversity of construction land, travel car-bon emission potential, and density and accessibility of adjacent road networks in the overall urban planning were measured. After the completion of the new urban area, the evaluation mainly reflected certain factors, such as the mixed degree of urban functions, the density of urban functions, the walking distance to bus stops and the density and number of bus stops. Dividing the levels and adding equal weights after index normalization, the carbon emis-sion potential is evaluated at the two levels of the overall and fragmented areas. The results show that: (1) The low-carbon emission potential areas in the planning scheme basically reached the planned goals. (2) There is in-consistency between districts and indicators in the planning scheme. The diversity of construction land and the accessibility of the adjacent road network are relatively small; however, there is a large difference between the travel carbon emission potential and the road network accessibility. (3) Carbon emission potential after completion did not reach the planned expectation, and the low-carbon emission potential plots were concentrated in the Changqing Old City Area and Central Area of Dangjia Town Area. (4) The carbon emission indicators varied greatly in different areas, and there were serious imbalances in the density of public transportation lines and the mixed degree of urban functions.
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