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在西秦岭的北部地区,即北秦岭构造带的西段,通过二年来实地调查,新发现了4个奥长环斑花岗岩体,自东而西分别是柞水、老君山、秦岭梁、朱厂沟脑,后3个岩体侵入于巨大的宝鸡花岗岩基中。宝鸡岩体是由辉石闪长岩、石英闪长岩、二长花岗岩、黑云母花岗岩等组成的复式杂岩体,时代为印支期(222Ma,U-Pb)。岩体出露面积10~210 km~2不等,最大的是老君山 In the northern part of the Western Qinling, the western segment of the North Qinling structural belt, four new Orycophane bodies have been newly discovered through field investigation over the past two years. From the east to the west, they are respectively Zhashui, Laojunshan, Qinling and Zhu Plant ditch brain, the latter three rock invaded Huge granite base in Baoji. Baoji pluton is a complex complex composed of pyroxene diorite, quartz diorite, monzogranite and biotite granite. The epoch was the Indosinian (222 Ma, U-Pb). Rock outcrop area of ​​10 ~ 210 km ~ 2 range, the largest is Laojunshan
从整地、选种、育苗、起苗假植、运输、造林和抚育管理等方面介绍杉木栽培技术,以期为建设以杉木为主的用材林提供参考。 This paper introduces the cultivation technique
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