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川西气田天然气井口计量目前普遍采用双波纹差压流量计和差压式孔板流量积算仪,前者无法实现计量数据远传,后者虽然依托川西气田自动化信息系统建设对天然气流量数据实现实时监控,但成本较高。远程积算计量系统是采用天然气实时差压、压力和温度数据,通过有线或无线传输到远程测控终端RTU,在RTU上对天然气流量进行积算,积算结果由RTU交换机通过光纤网络上传至实时数据库,实时数据库的数据经整理可上传至数据中心,对计量数据进行实时监控。从技术思路、配套的仪器仪表技术要求、数据采集与传输方式等方面对远程积算计量模式的可行性进行了分析,并开展了天然气远程积算计量模式现场试验。结果表明,远程积算计量模式与标准孔板流量积算仪积算出的天然气日累计流量最大相对误差为-0.63%,满足天然气井口计量精度要求。 At present, the double well differential pressure flow meter and the differential pressure orifice flow totalizer are widely used in the wellhead gas metering in the western Sichuan gas field. The former can not realize the remote measurement data. The latter realizes the real-time monitoring of natural gas flow data relying on the construction of automated information system in western Sichuan gas field , But the cost is higher. Remote integrated measurement system uses natural gas real-time differential pressure, pressure and temperature data transmitted to the remote monitoring and control terminal RTU by wired or wireless, and integrates the natural gas flow on the RTU. The accumulated result is uploaded by the RTU switch over the optical fiber network to the real-time Database, real-time database data can be uploaded to the data center after finishing, real-time monitoring of measurement data. This paper analyzes the feasibility of remote integrated metering mode from the aspects of technical ideas, technical requirements of instrumentation, data acquisition and transmission, and carries out the field test of natural gas remote integrated metering mode. The results show that the maximum relative error of daily cumulative flow of natural gas calculated by remote integrated measurement mode and standard orifice flow totalizer is -0.63%, which meets the measurement requirements of natural gas wellhead.
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