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一氧化碳中毒致皮下气肿1例报告山西省人民医院(030012)李润科,冯梅山西省五台县第二人民医院王焕荣患者,男,27岁,农民,山西省忻州市人,住院号103456。1979年3月15日晨8时,家人发现夫妻二人“昏睡”不起,室内煤气味很重,床前有大量呕吐... Carbon monoxide poisoning caused by subcutaneous emphysema in 1 case report Shanxi Provincial People’s Hospital (030012) Li Runke, Feng Mei Second People’s Hospital of Wutai County in Shanxi Province Wang Huanrong patients, male, 27 years old, farmer, Xinzhou City, Shanxi Province, hospital number 103456.1979 On the morning of March 15, at 8 o’clock on the morning of March 15, the family found that the couple were “lethargic” and had a heavy indoor gas smell and a lot of vomiting in front of the bed.
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