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何谓人文关怀?人文关怀包括人类对自身的生存状况的关注与重视,对人的各种生活需求的尊重与满足,以及对人类所赖以生存的环境的尊重和保护。人类的一切生产,生活实践目的最终都是为了人类能生活得更美好无论是谋求物质生活条件的不断改善,还是追求精神生活的无限丰富,都是人类为奔向更健康、更快乐的生活所作的努力。因此,无论是涉及社会生活的哪个领域,人文关怀都是个永恒的话题。人文关怀:广告创意的重要切入点广告创意,应从何着手?要正确解答这个问题首先要明白一个道理那就是做广告创意时不能无视广告的有效性。好的广告创意最终应该达到这样的目的:促进和扩大产品的销售,实现企业的盈利(当然,要在道德和法律允许的范围内)。怎样才能促进和扩大产品的销售,实现企业的盈利呢?从广告创意的角度来说,就 What is humanistic care? Humanistic care includes the concern and attention paid by human beings to their own living conditions, the respect and satisfaction of people’s various life needs and the respect and protection of the environment upon which human beings depend. All human beings’ production and life practice ends with the goal that mankind can live a better life. Whether it is seeking continuous improvement of material living conditions or unlimited spiritual pursuit, all human beings are committed to a healthier and happier life s hard work. Therefore, regardless of the field involved in social life, humane care is an eternal topic. Humane care: an important starting point for creative advertising Advertising creative ideas, where should start? To correctly answer this question we must first understand the truth that advertising creative ideas that can not ignore the effectiveness of advertising. A good advertising idea should ultimately achieve the goal of promoting and expanding sales of the product to make the company profitable (within the moral and legal limits, of course). How can we promote and expand the sales of products to achieve corporate profits? From the creative point of view, on the
全国橡标委橡胶杂品分会 2 0 0 2年年会暨第四届委员会第一次会议于 2 0 0 2年 4月 1 5~ 1 9日在福建省武夷山市召开。分会委员、通讯委员、橡胶杂品主要生产企业及用户代表出
用原子吸收分光光度法,对中草药独角莲中Zn、Cu、Fe、Mn微量元素及Ca、Mg含量进行了测定,为该药疗效与微量元素的关系提供参考数据。 The atomic absorption spectrophotometry was used t
Pulsed electromagnetic field can affect the proliferation of osteoblasts, but the mechanism is obscure yet. The communication between osteoblasts, isolated from
Objective To identify genes that involved in spermatogenesis.Methods In order to screen the testis-specific genes,testes cDNA samples from BALB/c mice of differ