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最近看到一个调查,说农村居民的幸福感强于城镇居民,这可不是哪个小报胡乱说的,而是严肃的《2005年中国社会蓝皮书》公布的。看了这个调查使我不解的是,既然农村居民感到自己比城镇居民幸福,为什么还要潮水般地涌入城市务工呢?为什么全社会还如此关心“三农”问题呢?为什么不见“痛苦的城里人”去农村当“幸福的农村人”呢?这个调查结论显然与我们的常识相悖。这个错误的结论大概来自调查方法的失误。 Recently I read a survey that said the happiness of rural residents is stronger than that of urban residents. This is not a taboo that was loosely stated, but a serious publication by the 2005 Chinese Social Blue Book. What puzzled me when I read this survey made me wonder why even the rural residents feel they are more happy than urban residents, why do they flood urban migrants? Why is the whole society so concerned about “three rural issues? Urban people ”to go to rural areas as“ happy rural people ”? This finding is obviously contrary to our common sense. This erroneous conclusion probably comes from the mistakes of the investigation method.
1背景近段时间我部执管的5架EMB145飞机空中EICAS显示屏上会经常出现琥珀色W/S1(2)HEAT FAIL信息,它大多是由风挡加温系统不工作而引起。此信息经常容易在起飞下降、结冰环境
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When an aircraft flies at a hypersonic speed,the temperature of gas inner boundary layer near the wall is so high that the specific heat is no longer a constant
不祥的头颅 The Baleful Head 年代:1886-1887 材质:油彩尺寸:156cm×128cm 收藏:Staatsgalerie Stuttgart 这幅画是伯恩·琼斯所创作 Ominous Head The Baleful Head Year:
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