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笔者有幸拜读了《中国学校体育》2011年第12期陈娟老师的“分发篮球的七种方法”一文,受益非浅,笔者除对该文作者所介绍的部分方法基本赞同外,也对有些章节存有疑义,希望能与作者商榷,与同行商讨。一、存在的问题1.不安全如,在“方法一:荷花荷花几时开(以下简称方法一)”中,学生按四路纵队沿篮球场慢跑的过程中,组(路)的5号学生也即该队伍中第五排的四名学生,在听到教师的信号后要快速地跑到器材筐中去拿球,被叫学生从运动中的队伍中间窜出,他们是否更易造成与其相邻同学间的身体碰撞?在“方法二;中签者拿球(以下简称方法二)”中,通常,教师在上课前会将器材筐放置于距集合队伍一定距离且相对集中的一侧,而很少呈散点式地放置于学生的四周,学生围成圆圈站位后,当听到教师的信号时,符合拿球条件的4、5名学生也即中签者,必然会朝向放置有器材筐的方向跑进,这样,会不象?其次,学生的站位一般也不是按学号的 I have the privilege of reading the “Chinese School Sports” 2011 the twelfth chapter of Chen Juan teacher “distribution of basketball seven ways ” a text, benefited greatly, in addition to the author of the author introduced some of the basic agreement, but also There are doubts about some chapters, I hope to discuss with the author, to discuss with their peers. First, the existing problems 1. unsafe, as in the “Method One: When the lotus lotus open (hereinafter referred to as Method One) ”, the students according to four columns along the basketball court jogging process, the group The four students in the fifth row of the team, after hearing the teacher’s signal, ran quickly to the equipment basket to pick up the ball, and the called student sprang out of the middle of the moving team. Are they more likely to cause In the “method two; successful applicants ball (hereinafter referred to as method two) ”, usually, teachers will be placed before the course equipment basket at a certain distance away from the assembly team and relatively concentrated And rarely placed scattered around the students around the students stationed in circles around the station, when you hear the teacher’s signal, in line with the conditions of the ball 4,5 players that are successful applicants, will inevitably Toward the direction of placing equipment baskets ran, so, will not? Second, the student’s station is not generally by the student number
函数是初中数学的重要内容,也是历年中考的重点和热点,下面以2005年中考试题为例,归纳如下考点,供读者参考. The function is an important content of junior high school
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学校门口的花坛里有几株山茶花,它拥有牡丹花的娇艳,荷花的淡雅,梅花的凌寒……它又是那样生机勃勃,用它特有的风姿吸引着同学们的眼球。 There are several camellias in t
走进那座山,仿佛走进绿色的植物王国。树木是绿的,人影是绿的,连空气都透着清新的绿意。除此之外还有一路欢唱的泉水,漫山遍野的茶朵,这一切让我的心欢喜得要飞出来。  记得那是初中时,在一次夏令营途中看到的景色。整日埋头于书本中的我,第一次看到那么高的山,那么清的水,那么蓝的天,简直有些醺然欲醉了。  返校后,我跟同桌玫讲起那片风景,听得她两眼放光,说:“简直太美了,我也想去看看。”后排的男生阿飞和阿虎
我的好朋友是邢云绯。她有一双水汪汪的大眼睛,大大的嘴巴,乌黑的头发。她是美术小组长,对工作可认真负责啦!她喜欢笑,不过偶尔也会跟她的同桌斗斗嘴。 My good friend is X
Maria Irene Fornés,1930-为是20世纪60年代外外百老汇运动的领军人物之一。她出生于古巴的哈瓦那,14岁时福恩斯与母亲和姐姐一道移民美国,几年后成为美国公民,在卡培娇(Cap