接纳负面情绪 融洽师生关系

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良好的教育是国家发展的隐形利器,而在我国的学校教育中,师生矛盾一直都影响着教育能否良好进行,师生在相处的过程中难免会出现一定的矛盾,一直以来这就是校园教育的一个难题。在传统的校园教育中,教师偶尔会对学生采取一定的体罚,但这并不能改变学生的学习状态,甚至会激发学生的负面情绪而形成恶劣的师生关系,直到今天我们仍然无法良好的解决师生矛盾。基于此,本文从接纳负面情绪出发,来谈谈如何更好的融洽师生关系,希望能对我国校园教育中难以调和的师生矛盾有一定改善作用。 Good education is a hidden weapon for the development of our country. In our country’s school education, the contradiction between teachers and students has always affected the good conduct of education. Teachers and students will inevitably encounter some contradictions in the process of getting along. This has always been the campus A difficult problem in education. In traditional campus education, teachers occasionally impose corporal punishment on students. However, this does not change the students ’learning status. It even excites students’ negative emotions and forms a bad teacher-student relationship. Until today, we still can not solve the problem well Contradictions between teachers and students. Based on this, starting from the acceptance of negative emotions, this article talks about how to better integrate the teacher-student relationship, hoping to improve the contradiction between teachers and students in campus education in our country.
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