Preparation and characterization of oil-soluble In_2O_3 nanoparticles and In_2O_3–SnO_2 nanocomposit

来源 :International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ztzyls
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Oil-soluble In2O3 nanoparticles and In2O3–SnO 2 nanocomposites were prepared in oleylamine via decomposition of metal acetylacetonate precursors. Thin films of In2O3 and In2O3–SnO 2 were obtained by spin-coating solutions of the oil-soluble In2O3 nanoparticles and In2O3–SnO 2 nanocomposites onto substrates and then calcining them. Transmission electron microspectroscopy, scanning electron microspectroscopy, atomic force microspectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, ultraviolet–visible absorption, and photoluminescence spectroscopy were used to investigate the properties of the nanoparticles and thin films. The In2O3 nanoparticles were cubic-phased spheres with a diameter of ~8 nm; their spectra exhibited a broad emission peak centered at 348 nm. The In2O3–SnO 2 nanocomposites were co-particles composed of smaller In2O3 particles and larger SnO 2 particles; their spectra exhibited a broad emission peak at 355 nm. After the In2O3–SnO 2 nanocomposites were calcined at 400°C, the obtained thin films were highly transparent and conductive, with a thickness of 30–40 nm; the surfaces of the thin films were smooth and crack-free. Oil-soluble In 2 O 3 nanoparticles and In 2 O 3 -SnO 2 nanocomposites were prepared in oleylamine via decomposition of metal acetylacetonate precursors. Thin films of In 2 O 3 and In 2 O 3 -SnO 2 were obtained by spin-coating solutions of the oil-soluble In 2 O 3 nanoparticles and In 2 O 3 -SnO 2 nanocomposites onto substrates and then calcining them. Transmission electron microspectroscopy, scanning electron microspectroscopy, atomic force microspectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, ultraviolet-visible absorption, and photoluminescence spectroscopy were used to investigate the properties of the nanoparticles and thin films. The In2O3 nanoparticles were Their spectra showed a broad emission peak centered at 348 nm. The spectra of a broad emission peak centered at 348 nm. The spectra of a series of smaller In 2 O particles and larger SnO 2 particles; emission peak at 355 nm. After the In2O3-SnO2 nanocomposites were calcined at 400 ° C, the obta ined thin films were highly transparent and conductive, with a thickness of 30-40 nm; the surfaces of the thin films were smooth and crack-free.
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前几天的一个傍晚,我到朋友家作客。临别,朋友满怀深情地赠我一幅新颖别致的年历,名曰:归航! 回到小小的斗室,我和妻子及女儿端的端板凳,找的找铁锤,寻的寻钉子,将透着馨香的
有一个小村,她就象一坛老酒,牵我乡情,醉我身心…… 六十年代初期,父亲响应了国家支援贫困地区的号召,从东北转业至利津县。当时,我家临时寄居在远离县城的一个叫五股道的小