放宽户籍限制 中小城市发展的机遇与挑战

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今年全国“两会”上,国务院总理温家宝在政府工作报告中提出:要统筹推进城镇化和新农村建设,要让符合条件的农业转移人口逐步变为城镇居民,也要让农民有一个幸福生活的美好家园。放宽中小城市的户籍限制,不仅可以提高城市化水平,而且可以集聚人气,形成辐射效应,以此带动农村的发展,缩短愈拉愈大的城乡差距。但并不是户籍一放开就完事了,还需要一系列的制度配套,解决进入中小城市人员的社会保障问题、就业问题等。本期会客厅对话中国房地产研究会人居环境委员会顾问兼专家组副组长秦铮、北京规划局原副局长毛钺、住房和城乡建设部高级城市规划师,教授级高工赵士绮,中国建筑标准设计研究院顾问总建筑师马韵玉,中国城市规划设计研究院居住区规划设计研究中心副主任赵文凯,共同探讨中小城市户籍制度放宽带来的深远影响。 On this year’s “two sessions”, Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council proposed in his government work report that we must make overall plans to promote urbanization and new countryside construction so that qualified migrants will gradually become urban residents and farmers should have a happy life A beautiful homeland of life. Relaxing the restrictions on household registration in small and medium-sized cities will not only raise the level of urbanization, but also gather popularity and create a radiation effect, thus boosting rural development and shortening the growing gap between urban and rural areas. However, it is not the case of a household register that has been let go. It also requires a series of system packages to solve the problems of social security and employment for those entering small and medium-sized cities. This session will be the living room dialogue China Real Estate Research Institute Habitat Environment Committee consultant and deputy head of the expert group Qin Zheng, the former deputy director of Beijing Planning Bureau Mao Xun, housing and urban and rural construction senior city planner, Professor Zhao Shizhi senior engineer, China Construction Ma Yunyu, chief consultant of Standard Design Institute and Zhao Wenkai, deputy director of Residential Planning and Design Research Center of China Urban Planning and Design Institute jointly discussed the far-reaching impact brought by the relaxation of household registration system in small and medium-sized cities.
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