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作为各专业支撑学科,大学英语课程教学在本科人才培养中占据非常重要的地位,一方面,由于全球一体化的经济贸易趋势;另一方面,我国科学研究在很长一段时间仍然处在“跟踪研究”的追赶阶段。随着高等教育各项制度改革的不断深化,未来民办高校将与公办高校在同一个平台上竞争,在日趋白热化的博弈中,民办高校显然处于不利的地位。因此,培养和提升当代大学生的外语应用能力在高校“应用型”人才培养中举足轻重。大学英语作为理工科各专业建设的支柱性基础课程,其教学改革势在必行。遵循教育部新颁布的《大学英语教学指南》,本次大学英语教学改革以“输出驱动”为指导思想。故此,学生为主体,以学生输出为主,促进教学模式的有效改革。为了确保改革后的教学质量,优化完善现有测试体系,尤其加大形成性评价权重,加强对学生在学习过程中语言应用能力发展情况的检测。在当今产教融合、校企合作的背景下,独立学院英语口语教学改革,重视产出,积极探索强调语言产出作用的教学模式和测试方法是十分必要的。如何使这一可行的教学模式发挥其应有的功效,是每个英语教育研究者、教师应该仔细琢磨、思考的问题。 As a professional supporting discipline, college English teaching plays a very important role in cultivating undergraduate talents. On the one hand, due to the trend of economic and global integration, on the other hand, our scientific research remains at a long time “ Tracking Study ”chase phase. With the continuous deepening of the reform of the system of higher education, private colleges and universities in the future will compete with the public colleges and universities in the same platform, in the increasingly heated game, private universities are clearly at a disadvantage. Therefore, cultivating and enhancing the ability of contemporary college students to apply foreign languages ​​is of decisive importance in the training of university-based “applied” personnel. College English, as a basic course of science and engineering major construction, its teaching reform is imperative. Following the new “Guide to College English Teaching” promulgated by the Ministry of Education, the reform of college English teaching regards “Output-driven ” as its guiding ideology. Therefore, the students as the mainstay of the main output of students to promote effective reform of teaching mode. In order to ensure the quality of teaching after the reform, the existing testing system is optimized and perfected. In particular, the weight of formative evaluation is increased and the detection of the development of students’ language proficiency in their learning process is strengthened. Under the background of the integration of teaching and learning, and the cooperation between schools and enterprises, it is necessary to reform the oral English teaching in independent colleges, pay attention to output, and actively explore teaching modes and testing methods that emphasize the role of language output. How to make this feasible teaching mode play its proper function is a question that every English education researcher and teacher should carefully study and think.