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脱坯一团旺旺的灶火,在我眼前跳动,正舔舐我的眼睛。一团旺旺的火,想要燃烧,是需要条件的。一团旺旺的灶火,想要燃烧,需要一些必备的条件。在乡村,人们是睡土炕的。土炕是用泥巴脱出的坯“盘”成的。脱坯和盘炕是力气活儿,脱坯更是个技术活儿。脱坯选择的时间,要在九月下旬到十月上旬前的十几二十天里,秋风渐凉,雨水少,容易晾晒。选土最关键,黏性不能太大,太大容易裂;沙性也不能太大,太大脱出的坯会发糠,没力道。场地尽量在村前屋后,太远了“运输”成问题。先要起一堆适量的土,父亲用手反复攥那土,看看黏度、沙性。往往第一次选择脱坯用 Devise a group of prosperous kitchen stove, beating before my eyes, licking my eyes. A group of prosperous fire, want to burn, is the need conditions. A group of prosperous kitchen stove, want to burn, need some essential condition. In the country, people sleep in kangs. Tukang is blanched with mud “disk” into. Lay blanks and plate kang is hard work, blanching is a technical job. The choice of blanking time, to be in late September to early October before a dozen twenty days, the autumn wind is getting cooler, less rain, easy to dry. Selection of soil is the most critical, sticky can not be too large, too easy to crack; sand can not be too large, too large prolapse will be bran, no power Road. Venue as far as possible in front of the village house, too far “transport ” a problem. The first to play a pile of the right amount of soil, my father repeatedly clutching that soil, take a look at viscosity, sand sex. Often the first choice to use blank
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In the recent decade, from late spring to early autumn, various activities have been taking place in a number of cultural squares in Beijing. This year, these
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