The Application of Communicative Language Teaching Method to Teaching English Grammar

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  Abstract:Cultivating the students’ communicative competence is laid on the final goal of foreign language teaching (FLT).So the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) becomes popular in many countries in the world.However,there are rare researches about applying CLT to the grammar teaching.This paper is to discuss the Application of CLT to teaching English grammar.Firstly,make a introduction on CLT,then talk about the development of CLT,last,propose practical suggestions in grammar teaching.
  Key words:Communicative;Language Teaching method;Grammar teaching;Teaching suggestions
  1 Introduction
  1.1 Background of the Research
  In 1970s,the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) was introduced to China,and gradually adopted by teachers in grammar teaching.It is important to learn grammar well in order to use English to communicate with others successfully.That is to say,it is very necessary to probe into how to teach English for teachers.
  1.2 Definition of CLT
  The definition of CLT were described from different aspects.Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics (1995) describes;“CLT,which is also named as CA,is a method to foreign or second language.And it regarded the communicative ability as the main purpose of language teaching.
  1.3 Principles of CLT
  如下:①Communication principle:Students should be provided much real-life communication to acquire communicative competence in real and contextual communication;②Task principle:Tasks can be better to “provide task-based practice,arising motivation,encouraging learning in a context which benefits learning”;③Meaningfulness principle:involves the language which is very meaningful to English language learner and supports the basic learning process;④Learner-centered Principle:Students are in the center in learning.
  2 Development
  2.1 The Related Researches on CLT Abroad
  Chomsky’s (1965) theory was considered as the basis of modern linguistics.He described the differences between competence and performance.Hymes(1972) is the first one to introduce the opinion of Communicative Competence.Canale and Swain’s(1980) contribution is that they made and established seminal work and conceptual schemeon defining communicative competence.Cook(1996) suggested that language expression is a process that people use language to convey different means in different context.Freeman(2005) believed that the application of the grammar in different context can express different meanings.   2.2 The Related Researches on CLT in China
  Late 70s—Mid 80s:There are many experts and scholars starting to write related articles and books that demonstrated and introduced the CLT,including Communicative Approach in British Friends’ Eyes(Qin Xiaomeng,1979) and Communicative English for Chinese Learners (Li Xiaoju,1985).
  Mid 80s—Late 80s:CLT is beginning to develop rapidly in China and be applied to English classroom.There are many famous articles and books,such as English (Huang Cidong,1987) and New English Course (Li Guanyi,1989).
  Early 90s—Mid 00s:CLT is beginning to be prosperous.More and more schools lay emphasis on adoption of CLT in language teaching:Talk about the Grammar Teaching of High School in Communicative Language Teaching (Liu lina,2010);Probe into Application of Communicative Language Teaching in High School (Gao guogang,2016).
  3 Suggestions for Application CLT to Grammar Teaching
  3.1 Changing Teachers and Students’ Ideology
  The criteria of new course is to cultivate students’ independent learning ability and cooperative learning ability in task-based teaching,which in turns helps cultivate students’ innovative consciousness.Teachers should change their roles from knowledge passers into teaching organizers,and students should change their roles from passive listeners into active participants.
  3.2 Combining Real Contexts with the Unreal Contexts
  Real contexts can be used as instruments to help students acquire potential language knowledge in learning process.Unreal contexts are effective to emphasize on language rules,and real contexts focus on communicative competence.Only teacher combine unreal with real contexts,can students learn language knowledge better.
  3.3 Combining Learning with Practice
  It is necessary that teachers should give students more chances to practice in real contexts.Only when teachers design many real intercultural communicative activity,provide more chances to speak out for students,and lay students on the dominant place in learning process,can students communicate with people fluently.
  [1]Freeman,D.L.Teaching Language:From Grammar to Grammaring[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2005.
  [2]Johnson,K.andK.Morrow.Communication in the Classroom:Application and Methods for a Communicative Approach[M].London:Longman,1981:63.
摘 要:本文阐述了小学数学优质课堂的特征:教学内容和教学目标的一致特征;和谐课堂氛围的特征;激发学生兴趣和主动性的特征。总结了优质课堂特征分析的意义所在,并从深刻解读教学材料、处理好师生关系、创设课堂学习情境以及灵活使用教学方法等方面提出了完善小学数学优质课堂的策略。  关键词:小学数学;优质课堂;特征分析  一、小学数学优质课堂的特征  小学数学优质课堂是指能够高质量、高效率完成课堂教学任务,并
摘 要:小学的数学教学中存在着很多需要学生自主讨论的内容,这就产生了小组合作学习,小组合作学习显著的提高了数学课堂的高效性,使很多学生自主思考数学问题,学会合作,学会分享,但是这些都建立在合理的安排和科学的管理学习小组的基础上,那么如何合理的安排和科学的管理小组?本文就小学数学中的小组合作学习进行了详细的分析和研究,并且提出了加强小组合作学习有效措施。  关键词:小学数学;小组合作教学;能力培养;
摘 要:“语文课标”从低年级开始强调写话训练,提倡学生不拘形式写出见闻和感受。作为习作的起步,低年级作文教学应从写话开始,让他们养成能写好一句话的习惯。然后逐渐地,对写话产生兴趣后,可结合生活实际,用学到的词语说一句通顺的话,这样坚持着,对以后提高学生的习作水平是有很大的帮助,也为学生的写作打下较好的表达基础。本文主要探讨小学语文写话教学策略。  关键词:小学语文;写话;教学;策略  培养小学学生
摘 要:英语学习在中国的发展已成燎原之势,而同时国人对英语学习的过分投入也备受抨击。本文将深入分析中国“英语热”的根源,以期为大家理性看待这一现象提供参考。  关键词:“英语热”;英语学习;全球语言  鸦片战争前,广州作为中国对外开放的第一个港口所在地,产生了历史上第一种用于贸易交流的特色英语Pigeon English,又称夹杂粤语口音的广式英语。在随后两次鸦片战争中,清政府与列强签署诸多协议,
摘 要:随着世界政治一体化、经济全球化的深入发展,各国之间的交流、合作越来越频繁,英语成为国际交流使用最主要的语言。英语语言的语音语词汇兴起于文艺复兴时期,经过一批又一批艺术家的努力,得到快速发展,随着时间的推移,语音和词汇也发生巨大变化。本文重点研究英语语言学语音及词汇的变化。  关键词:英语语言学;语音;词汇;变化研究  一、前言  语音作为人类交流的媒介,会随着社会的发展、时间的变迁而产生相
摘 要:初中历史的教学方法多种多样,但不可否认的是:历史,实际上是一门“背多分”的学科。从某种意义上而言,学生们记得知识点的数量多少和准确的程度决定了学生们历史成绩分数的高低。  关键词:初中历史教学;知识点记忆;准确性提高  在很多学生的观念中,记忆就是死记硬背,但实际上,根据不同学科的性质和特点,记忆也具有不同的方法和策略。所以在平时的教学过程当中,我们就要有意识的将各类知识点進行区分和区别,
摘 要:家庭作业是巩固和提高课堂学习效果的一个有效途径。科学的家庭作业不仅可以提高学生的课堂学习效率,同时也可以加深和巩固学生对所学知识的理解。小学生对知识的渴望性很高,好奇心也很强,这就需要教师在布置家庭作业时要做到既符合小学生的年龄特点,同时也要促进小学生对知识的掌握。本文就如何优化小学生的数学家庭作业进行了探讨,并就如何优化小学生的家庭作业提出了建议,以供实际教学参考。  关键词:小学数学;
摘 要:在小学的学习阶段,小学语文占据了非常重要的地位,同时,语文这门学科的学习不仅仅要掌握书本上的知识,同时要求学生在学习语文的过程中感悟丰富的情感,情感教育对于小学生语文学习具有一定的促进作用。在小学阶段,语文是十分重要的学科,可以使得学生在学习过程中体会到人生意义和价值观的具体内涵,有助于学生表达能力的提升,从而提升学生对情感的认知。随着我国素质教育的不断完善和提高,小学语文教学已经朝着素质
摘 要:《义务教育政治课程标准》指出:课程的基本理念是正确把握政治教育的特点,积极倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式,努力建设开放而有活力的政治课程。课堂是教师教学的主要阵地,也是学生获取信息、锻炼能力、获取间接经验的主渠道,而初中政治对课堂教学的要求要符合规律、有效率、有智慧、具有科学性。作为一名初中政治教师,要利用好教材,提高课堂教学的效率。  关键词:初中政治;课堂教学;“活”起来  吕淑湘先生