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科学技术进步对国际社会的影响极大,其中之一是促进了国际法的发展,尤其是促进了海洋法的发展。国际海洋科技快速发展的巨大压力和国内海洋事业发展的迫切需求,都要求我们尽快制定出国家海洋科技发展规划,以全面统筹海洋科技发展思路、目标和任务,使我国海洋科技有一个大的发展。海洋科技的发展加速了国防现代化,同时也增加了对国防安全的威胁。所以,我们必须以新理念保障国家海上安全,以维护海上地缘安全为重心,调整国防布局,建立海洋强国。我们须提出符合我国利益的海洋公共安全理念,争取地区安全合作中的主动权;须建立综合海上安全保障体系,以多种手段维护国家安全;建立一支现代化的强大海军,打赢信息化战争;构建海洋科技创新体系,加快海洋科技发展,提高海洋科技对国民经济的贡献率,保障国家安全,实现建设海洋强国的奋斗目标。 One of the great advances in science and technology has made a significant impact on the international community. It has promoted the development of international law and, in particular, the development of the law of the sea. The tremendous pressure of the rapid development of international marine science and the urgent need of the development of domestic marine undertakings require us to formulate the national marine science and technology development plan as soon as possible in order to comprehensively plan the thinking, objectives and tasks for the development of marine science and technology so as to make our marine science and technology have a great development . The development of marine science and technology has accelerated the modernization of national defense and also increased the threat to national security. Therefore, we must safeguard the national maritime safety with new ideas, focus on the maintenance of maritime geopolitical security, readjust the layout of national defense and establish a maritime power. We must put forward the concept of maritime public safety in line with China’s interests and strive for the initiative in regional security cooperation. We must establish an integrated maritime security system to safeguard national security by various means. We must establish a modern and powerful navy to win the information war ; To build a marine science and technology innovation system, speed up the development of marine science and technology, raise the contribution rate of marine science and technology to the national economy, safeguard national security and achieve the goal of building a maritime power.