Corner Transition Toolpath Generation Based on Velocity-Blending Algorithm for Glass Edge Grinding

来源 :中国机械工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:joyce
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Sharp cers usually are used on glass contours to meet the highly increasing demand for personalized products,but they result in a broken wheel center toolpath in edge grinding.To ensure that the whole wheel center toolpath is of G1 continuity and that the grinding depth is controllable at the cers,a transition toolpath generation method based on a velocity-blending algorithm is proposed.Taking the grinding depth into consideration,the sharp-cer grinding process is planned,and a velocity-blending algorithm is introduced.With the constraints,such as traverse displacement and grinding depth,the sharp-cer transition toolpath is generated with a three-phase motion arrangement and with confirmations of the acceleration/deceleration positions.A piece of glass with three sharp cers is ground on a three-axis numerical-control glass grinding equipment.The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can protect the sharp cers from breakage efficiently and achieve satisfactory shape accuracy.This research proposed a toolpath generation method based on a velocity-blending algorithm for the manufacturing of personalized glass products,which generates the transition toolpath as needed around a sharp cer in real time.
摘 要:九寨沟是国家级风景名胜区、世界自然遗产地、国家级自然保护区、国家级地质公园、国家5A级旅游景区,九寨沟的地理位置处于四川盆地与青藏高原的交接地区,由于非常特殊的地质条件等原因,以及剧烈的造山运动造就了规模宏伟的北西西向、北北东向的活动断裂带,正因为其地质条件因素非常奇异,所以在使九寨沟成为人间仙境的同时,也让九寨沟也成为地质灾害多发区域。因此九寨沟地质灾害的预测和防治,就成为九寨沟景区内一
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