来源 :Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a76s333
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On the basis of the framework of systematic science of alloys (SSA), the basic information such as states, volumes, and potential energies of characteristic atoms in hcp Ti-Al system have been determined. The average atomic state of the hcp Ti3Al compound consisting of ψTi4 and ψAl0atoms is 0.75[Ar] (3dn)0.573 (3dc)2.1685 (4sc)0.972 (4sf)0.3093 + 0.25[Ne] (3sc)1.32 (3pc)1.19 (3sf + 3pf)0.49. The brittleness of the ordered hcp Ti3Al compound has been discussed considering the fundamental factors, which are atomic states, bond networks, potential energy wave planes, and the ratio xTi/xAl. The existence of more pc and more dc directional electrons in the hcp Ti3Al compound lead to considerable brittleness; From bond networks and potential energy wave planes, the hcp Ti3Al compound has poorer ductility than the pure hcp Ti metal and the pure fcc Al metal; The Al-rich hcp Ti3Al ordered type alloys have poorer ductility than the Ti-rich hcp Ti3Al ordered type alloys. On the basis of the framework of systematic science of alloys (SSA), the basic information such as states, volumes, and potential energies of characteristic atoms in hcp Ti-Al system have been determined. The average atomic state of the hcp Ti3Al of ψTi4 and ψAl0atoms is 0.75 [Ar] (3dn) 0.573 (3dc) 2.1685 (4sc) 0.972 (4sf) 0.3093 + 0.25 [Ne] (3sc) 1.32 (3pc) 1.19 (3sf + 3pf) 0.49 The brittleness of the ordered hcp Ti3Al compound has been discussed considering the fundamental factors, which are atomic states, bond networks, potential energy wave planes, and the ratio xTi / xAl. The existence of more pc and more dc directional electrons in the hcp Ti3Al compound lead to considerable brittleness ; From bond networks and potential energy wave planes, the hcp Ti3Al compound has poorer ductility than the pure hcp Ti metal and the pure fcc Al metal; The Al-rich hcp Ti3Al ordered type alloys have poorer ductility than the Ti-rich hcp Ti3Al ordered type alloys.
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