
来源 :预算管理与会计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:landgale527
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近年来,特别是中央新疆工作座谈会召开以来,随着全面实施对口援疆工作的推进,中央财政对西部地区支持的力度不断加大,财政专项资金支持规模也快速增长,加强专项资金监督管理显得尤为重要。一、财政专项资金监督管理工作存在的主要问题(一)缺乏统一有效的协调和监督。当前,融资渠道繁复,资金多头管理的现象比较突出,行政主管部门各管一摊,项目和资金来源渠道 In recent years, especially since the convening of the central Xinjiang Work Symposium, with the implementation of the counterpart aid to Xinjiang, the Central Government has continuously increased its support to the western region and the scale of special financial support has also been rapidly increasing, and the special fund supervision and management has been strengthened It is particularly important. First, the main financial supervision and management of special funds (a) the lack of uniform and effective coordination and supervision. At present, the financing channels are complicated and the fund management is more prominent. The administrative departments are in charge of sharing the channels of projects and funds
The studies of our group on the catalytic activities of rare earth calixarene complexes in polymer syntheses are reviewed.Rare earth calixarene complexes are ef
The self-assembly of a flexible bipyridyl ligand 2,2?-bis(4-pyridylmethyle- neoxy)-1,1?-biphenylene (4,4?-bpp) with cobalt(II) center gave rise to a one-dimensi
The devastating Wenzhou train crash has a mixed impact on the Chinese economy and industries associated with high-speed trains While China mourns the lives lost
对放射治疗的 175例T_3和 T_4期鼻咽癌进行临床分析.根据临床表现、CT扫描和 X线检查按长沙会议分期法进行原发灶 T分期.T_3和 T_4期 5 年生存率分别为31.6%(6/19)和19.5%(22
4月18日,一个春天的日子,因为16年前的一个重大事件,从此变得不同凡响。这一天,党中央、国务院正式宣布开发开放浦东; 这一天,被永远地载入了中国改革开放的史册。春华秋实。