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  For some people, walking or running outdoors is a great way to exercise. What may not be so great is seeing trash all over the ground. Well, some people are doing something about it. They are plogging!
  “Plogging” began in Sweden. The name combines the Swedish word “plocka”, which means to pick up, and the word “jogging”, which means to run slowly.
  Today, plogging is an official activity, which is becoming more and more popular. Plogging is a kind of exercise that can also build closer social connections in a community.
  “When the street looks dirty, youre going to feel bad about the neighborhood. You may even feel less safe. So if were all doing our part and picking it up, its very easy to help beautify it, and help build the social connection. You can feel some social responsibility when you do this,” said Lawson, who works at Washington, D.C.s Office of the Clean City.
  Plogging can be fun, too. When Dana Allen goes plogging around D.C., she invites her friends. “Sometimes we get groups together on a Saturday or Sunday. We go for run and pick up some garbage. Then well actually go for brunch after. We make a day of it.”
   Cities around the world now hold plogging events. The goal is to spread the idea that littering is not acceptable. Along with cleaning up the environment, there may be another reason to choose plogging instead of just jogging. You may get a better workout. One fitness app, Lifesum, records one hour of plogging as burning 288 calories. Usual jogging burns about 235 calories.
   Getting ready to plog is similar to getting ready to jog. Ploggers do some deep knee bends, or squats (蹲坐), as well as some balancing exercises. Then, ploggers do something most regular joggers do not do: They put on protective gloves. “Gloves are important. No one knows what hell find. It might be broken glass or medical waste.”
   There are other safety rules for plogging. The main one is to plog in areas where there are not too many other ploggers. This helps to prevent plogging accidents. Ploggers must always pay attention to those around them. Stopping quickly in front of someone to pick up an empty bag of potato chips, for example, could cause a crash.
  1.Why is plogging becoming a very popular activity? (no more than 10 words)
  2.Whats the main difference between ploggers and joggers? (no more than 5 words)
  3.What is the best way to avoid plogging accidents? (no more than 10 words)
  I. Important vocabulary
  1.pick up 捡起
  2.beautify v.美化
  3.spread v. 传播
  4.along with 除……以外(还)
  5.regular adj. 常见的;普通的
  6.pay attention to 注意
  Ⅱ. Important sentences
  1.The goal is __________ (spread) the idea __________ littering is not acceptable.
  【点石成金】本句第一空应填入to spread,动词不定式在句中作表语,表示目的;第二空应填入that,that引导同位语从句,不作成分,没有实际意义,但不能省略。
  2.The main one is to plog in areas
这首摇滚风格的《家庭颂》(Ode To My Family)选自小红莓乐队1994年出版的专辑《无须再争论》(No Need To Argue)。这是他们最成功的专辑,全球售出超过1,500万张,达到了三白
文体概述  咨询信用于在社交或商务活动中询问有关情况,一般着重询问客观事实。咨询信要写得干净利落、明确具体、无歧义。咨询信是请求别人回答问题,故用词要礼貌、恳切,且无论对方是否愿意或能否提供帮助都应该事先表示感谢。通常情况下,信中还需要提供详细的联系方式,以便对方回复。  咨询信的主要内容一般包括:  1.进行自我介绍,表明自己的身份;  2.说明写信的目的,即寻求某些信息;  3.交代寻求这些信
明瑞在美国读大学,租住在郊区的一户人家。房东是一对退休老夫妻,具有标准的西方人的特点。平时对他客客气气,彬彬有礼,但是房租一分不能少,水费、电费毫厘不能差,经济上清清楚楚。明瑞从中国给他们带一盒龙井茶叶,他们必定马上回馈一瓶红酒,绝对不会欠他的人情。然而这个周末,房东史密斯先生却意外给他送来了一袋牛肉。  “Thank you very much. But what do I own you?”