读一本好书,心灵的洗礼——读《新月集 飞鸟集》有感

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灯红酒绿的喧闹,车水马龙的繁华,每个人都在不停地奔跑着,从一个地方到另一个地方。或追名或逐利,或忙于生计。身心俱疲,却仍舍不得放慢脚步,停驻片刻。尚未出社会的我们虽然不用忙于养家糊口,却也是每天与书山为伴,题海相邻,每每总是难免不感到心浮气躁,此时何以解忧?唯有读一本好书,让疲乏的心得到片刻的休憩。书自是不少,好书却难寻。漫长的暑假,我暗自庆幸一路有《新月集飞鸟集》相伴走来。 Noisy, busy, busy, everyone is running around, from one place to another. Or by name or by profit, or busy with livelihoods. Mental and physical fatigue, but still reluctant to slow down, stop for a moment. Although not out of society, we do not have to busy to feed our families, but also every day with the Book Hill companion, inscribed with the sea, often inevitably always feel frivolous impatient, so why worry? Only reading a good book, so tired The heart of a moment of rest. A lot of books, a good book is hard to find. Long summer vacation, I secretly glad all the way there is “Crescent Set” accompanied by birds.
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