陈洪生 保利潜行

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中国最大的军贸企业之一,最大的房地产企业之一,双重敏感地位让保利常常低调隐身于公众视野之外。事实上,保利的军贸、房地产、文化、能源及民爆五个产业板块都处在市场充分竞争的领域,在较短时间内迅速成长为行业领先企业,他们又是如何取得高速增长的呢?在外界对央企充满质疑之际,保利的领导者又是怎样看待自己的成长史?怎样看待央企这个中国特有的经济形态? One of China’s largest military and commercial enterprises, one of the largest real estate companies, has the dual sensitivity to keep Poly low-profile from the public eye. In fact, Poly’s military, real estate, culture, energy and civilian explosive five industry sectors are in full competition in the field of market in a relatively short period of time to grow rapidly into the industry leader, how they achieved rapid growth yet In the outside world is full of questions on the central enterprises, the leader of Poly also look at their own history of growth? How to treat the central enterprises of this unique Chinese economy?