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为了揭示黄土振动压实机理,优化黄土压实作业参数,对黄土在振动压实过程中的压应力及压实能量进行研究。根据压应力时域信号,分析黄土各层的压应力分布情况;对压应力频谱信号进行分析,研究压实能量在黄土各层的分布与吸收状况及其在土层内的传递规律。分析结果表明:黄土内各层的压应力随碾压遍数的增加逐渐增大,随土体深度增加而减弱;上层土体压应力增加最快,在碾压到第9遍时达到最大,而中、下层土体在第11遍时压应力达到最大;试验用黄土的固有频率为30 Hz左右,在此频率下振动压实效果最好;土体各层吸收的振动能量随土体密实度增加而减小,上层比中下层可获得更高的能量,并先达到其密实状态。分析结果与试验压实度结果一致。 In order to reveal the loosening and compaction mechanism of loess and optimize the parameters of loess compaction, the compressive stress and compaction energy of loess during the process of vibrating compaction are studied. According to the compressive stress time-domain signals, the distribution of compressive stress in loess layers is analyzed. The spectrum of compressive stress signals is analyzed to study the distribution and absorption of compacted energy in loess layers and its transmission in the soil layers. The analysis results show that the compressive stress of each layer in loess increases with the increase of the number of rolling and decreases with the increase of soil depth. The compressive stress of the upper soil increases fastest and reaches the maximum when crushed to the 9th pass, The compressive stress reaches the maximum in the 11th pass of the middle and lower soil layers. The natural frequency of the test loess is about 30 Hz, and the vibration compaction effect is the best at this frequency. The vibration energy absorbed by various layers of the soil increases with the density of the soil As the degree increases and decreases, the upper level obtains higher energy than the middle and lower levels and reaches its compact state first. The results are consistent with the results of the test compaction.
“又是一年芳草绿,春风十里玉兰香。”早春2月,玉兰花不待新叶吐绿,便抢先绽放了,率先把春天迎来人间。 玉兰,又称白玉兰、玉兰花、玉堂春、望春花。花大洁白,色如玉而香似兰