
来源 :中国媒介生物学及控制杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xielongj_30
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为探讨常见化学杀虫剂对大头金蝇的毒杀效果,给灭蝇防病提供科学依据,笔者进行了初步观察,结果如下: 一、材料及方法: 1.杀虫剂:1%溴氰菊酯、1%二氯苯醚菊酯、1%胺菊酯、1%甲醚菊酯,1%丙体六六六、98%敌敌畏,均由中国科学院动物研究所提供。 2.试虫:大头金蝇(♀),使用捕蝇笼从某肉联加工厂自然环境中采回,当天试验。 3.测定方法:采用钟罩法,先将各杀虫剂用丙 In order to explore the common chemical insecticide poisoning effect on the gold flies, to provide a scientific basis for the flies and disease prevention, the author conducted a preliminary observation, the results are as follows: First, the material and methods: 1 insecticide: 1% Pyrethrins, 1% permethrin, 1% tetramethrin, 1% pyrethroid, 1% hexacycle hexahydrate, 98% dichlorvos, all provided by the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 2. Test insects: the bulk of gold fly (♀), the use of fly catching cage from a meat processing plant in the natural environment back to the day of the test. 3. Determination: Bell method, the first pesticide with C
65 克豆57 65.1 品种来源黑龙江省农业科学院克山分院以克99-578为母本,合丰42为父本,经有性杂交,系谱法选育而成.65.2 特征特性特种品种(小粒).在适应区出苗至成熟生育日数1