Optimal Sliding Mode Control with Specified Decay Rate for Offshore Steel Jacket Platforms

来源 :China Ocean Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:taibei
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An optimal active sliding mode controller with specified decay rate design is proposed to control the wave-induced offshore jacket-type platform with active mass damper (AMD). Irregular wave loading is approximated by finite sums of Fourier series, and its dynamic characteristics are governed by an exosystem derived from the linearized Morison equation. The offshore platform system is first decomposed into two virtual subsystems based on a linear transformation. By considering the velocity of AMD as a virtual control force for the first subsystem, the optimal virtual controller is derived. Furthermore, an optimal sliding mode surface with specified decay rate is proposed. Then, the active sliding mode controller is designed to ensure that the state trajectories reach the sliding surface in finite time and remain on it thereafter. Numerical simulation is employed to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach. An optimal active sliding mode controller with specified decay rate design is proposed to control the wave-induced offshore jacket-type platform with active mass damper (AMD). Irregular wave loading is approximated by finite sums of Fourier series, and its dynamic characteristics are governed by an exosystem derived from the linearized Morison equation. The offshore platform system is first decomposed into two virtual subsystems based on a linear transformation. By considering the velocity of AMD as a virtual control force for the first subsystem, the optimal virtual controller is derived. Then, the optimal sliding mode surface with specified decay rate is proposed. Then, the active sliding mode controller is designed to ensure that the state trajectories reach the sliding surface in finite time and remain on it thereafter. of the proposed approach
1病例报告患者女,43岁。2010-06发现右侧腋下肿物,直径约5 cm。外院加强CT示,纵隔及肾上腺周围淋巴结肿大,同时发现右侧乳腺肿物,直径约0.3 cm。遂行右乳肿物切除及腋窝淋巴
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