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  BEIJING—Activists are seeking the quick introduction of laws to protect animals in an effort to get rid of increasing abuse, such as the killing of animals and live shows at zoos.
  The first comprehensive law to address animal was expected to be submitted to the country’s law department in 2009, but “there is still no clear timetable for laws”, Chang Jiwen, a law professor at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, who led the drafting team, told China Daily.
  The Law on Protection of Wild Animals is the only existing animal law in the country which prohibits selling and abuse. It, however, fails to protect animals already in imprisonment.
  Meanwhile, a growing number of cases of animal abuse are being reported.
  A group of Web users, who formed a chat group “cat torturers”, constantly posted online pictures of cats being killed or suffering cruelty.
  The group was report to threaten to kill more than 1,000 cats on Christmas Eve across the country in what they described as an act showing respect for the group’s founder.
  “So far, the group has not posted new photos of killing cats online, but animal lovers are trying every means to find the cat abusers to stop them,” an animal activist in Beijing, who identified herself as Xiaomiao, told China Daily.
  Animal rights groups said that the rising number of abuses stemmed from public indifference.
  The lack of public awareness is part of the reason why a comprehensive animal protection law has not been passed, said Cai Chunhong, a Beijing lawyer.
  “Without strong public agreement the law department will not put laws on the table,” she said.
  “Although awareness of animal is rising thanks to growing pet ownership in recent years, animal lovers are still a minority,” she said.
  If a comprehensive law takes time to be drafted, introduced and passed, then specific laws or regulations to punish animal abuse should fill the vacuum, Cai said.
  These laws could help regulate zoos, where abuse is common.
  Live animal performances often involve acts of cruelty at zoos and wildlife parks, despite a government ban, Mang Ping, a professor at the Central Institute of Socialism, said.
  Mang, an animal rights activist, based her conclusion on a study of animal in zoos over the past 15 years.
  The survey, China Zoo Watch, covered 21 zoos and wildlife parks in cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and Shenzhen.
  “More than 95 percent of wildlife parks and 50 percent of zoos surveyed are making profits by increasing animal performances and those animals are treated poorly,” she said.
  A ban on animal shows issued by central authorities came shortly after 11 Siberian tigers at a northeast wildlife zoo in Shenyang, capital of Liaoning province, were starved to death in 2010. A panda was also killed in 2010 by poisonous gas being used to clean a nearby air raid shelter in a zoo in Jinan, East China’s Shandong province.
  “Obviously the ban is poorly carried out due to the lack of strict punishment,” Mang said.
  In Beijing, animal performances, such as jumping through fiery hoops, were a growing feature in some zoos, according to Guo Geng, vicedirector of Beijing Elk Ecology Research Center and a local political adviser.
  “In order to maximize profit most performance programs involve cruelty,” said Guo, who filed a proposal to ban animal performances in Beijing zoos in December.
  Guo called for the Beijing government to step up efforts to ensure animal protection by making zoo owners be responsible their actions.
  Authorities encouraged zoos to make money to be financially selfsufficient. That caused many zoos to promote animal performances.
  Statistics from the Chinese Association of Zoological Gardens showed that the country now has more than 200 zoos.
  More than 30 of the zoos are appointed wildlife parks, three times the number in the United States and five times that of Japan, according to Mang’s survey.
  “Entertainment and profit are always priorities for zoo owners. But when animal trainers torture animals in front of audiences the zoo can never fulfill its role to educate people to protect animals,” she said.
  China should learn from other countries, she said.
  For instance, Toronto council voted in October to move three African elephants in the zoo to California where the climate would be better for them.
  No pains, no gains.
  1. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
  A.A clear timetable for laws concerning animals has been set out by the country’s law deparement in 2009.
  B.The Law on Protection of Wild Animals is one of the existing animal laws in the country.
  C.It was reported that the group’s purpose of killing cats was that they admired the group’s founder.
  D.A comprehensive animal protection law has been passed because of public awareness.
  2. What does the underlined phrase in paragraph 8 mean?
  A.resulted in
  B.resulted from
  C.brought in
  D.brought up
  3. What can we learn from the passage?
  A.Strong public agreement is an important factor, which can urge the law department to make animal protection laws.
  B.The government agrees to live animal performances.
  C.The ban is poorly carried out because of the lack of public awareness.
  D.The priority of zoo owners is to educate people to protect animals.
  4. What’s the following can be the best title of the passage?
  A.The Law on Protection of Wild Animals.
  B.The lack of public awareness.
  C.Stop live animal performances.
  D.Call for law to protect animals.
  1. C。细节理解题。C项可以根据第6段…in what they described as an act showing respect for the group’s founder.;A项可以根据第2段…but “there is still no clear timetable for laws”, Chang Jiwen,… 排除;B项可以根据第3段The Law on Protection of Wild Animals is the only existing animal law in the country which prohibits selling and abuse.排除;C项可以根据第9段The lack of public awareness is part of the reason why a comprehensive animal protection law has not been passed,… 排除。
  2. B。词义猜测题。由第8段可知,大量增长的动物虐待是源于公众的漠不关心。
  3. A。推理判断题。A项可以根据第10段“Without strong public agreement the law department will not put laws on the table,” she said.;B项可以根据第14段Live animal performances often involve acts of cruelty at zoos and wildlife parks, despite a government ban,… 政府是反对动物表演,排除;C项可以根据倒数第10段“Obviously the ban is poorly carried out due to the lack of strict punishment,” Mang said.禁令没有被很好的执行是因为缺少严厉的惩罚;D项可以根据倒数第3段Entertainment and profit are always priorities for zoo owners.排除。
  4. D。主旨大意题。纵观全文,我们可以看出本文主要是要求立法部门立即制定有关动物的法律来保护动物。A项、B项、C项说法比较片面,不能概括全文。
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  3. 先猜测词义后查词典。在阅读英语新闻材料的过程中,每个人都会碰到一些难理解的生词。我么可以通过上下文语境先猜测词义,然后再查词典,这样不仅有利于记忆,节约了阅读的时间,而且能够更好地理解和掌握一些单词。
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英语,比较结构大家都比较熟悉。但是下面这些形式跟意义不怎么一致的特殊比较结构你会用吗?  1. less than 不到,少于……  The professor has stayed here less than a week. 教授在这儿住了不到一周。  He lived for less than four years in Nanjing before he came here. 他来这儿
英语中,所谓主谓一致,就是指主语和谓语的一致性。主语和谓语一致也是指谓语动词与作主语的名词或代词在人称和数上保持一致。一般说来,我们可以把主谓一致分为:语法一致,意义一致和就近一致三种情况。  主谓一致是中学英语的重要语法,也是高考的重要考点。现将近年来,全国各高考试题中有关主谓一致的考查点归纳总结如下:    热点一:考查整体中的部分作主语  【高考真题】  例1 (2011年湖南卷)One-t
一、 连词when的用法  【高考题例】  1. (2011年浙江卷)One Friday,we were packing to leave for a weekend away_______my daughter beard cries for help.    A.after  B.while  C.since  D.when  分析:D。本题考查状语从句。此处表示“就在这时,突然
一、 动词get的用法  英语中,动词get 可以作为及物动词,也可以作为不及物动词,过去式或过去分词是 got,现在分词是getting。中学阶段要掌握的意思比较多。现总结如下:  (1) 得到,收到  Did your brother get any compensation when he was dismissed from their jobs? 你哥哥被解雇时有没有得到赔偿费?  D
Part One 单词专讲  1. perform  【分析】动词perform的意思是“演出,表现”。如:perform a dangerous operation 施行一项危险的手术;perform an experiment 做实验;perform one’s promise 履行承诺。  One should always perform what he promises. 说了就应当
1. be doing/be about to do/had done…, when…(when:这时, 强调一个动作的突然发生)  (1) I was walking along the river, when I heard a drowning boy cry for help.  (2) I was about to leave when it began to rain
Ⅰ. 单项填空  1.Not having a good________of English can be a serious obstacle to achieving your goals.  A. demand  B. appreciation  C. experience  D. command  2.(2011·天津,1)We feel________our duty to make o
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