Identification of blood-brain barrier function following subarachnoid hemorrhage in rats at differen

来源 :中国神经再生研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xu9865
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BACKGROUND: Recent studies have indicated that blood-brain barrier (BBB) disruption following subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) significantly correlates with the development of brain injury and poor prognosis of patients subjected to SAH. OBJECTIVE: To investigate both functional and structural changes related to BBB in various phases after SAH in rats through quantitative and qualitative methods.DESIGN, TIME AND SETTING: This experiment, a completely randomized design and controlled experiment, was performed at the Department of Neurosurgery, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing University of Medical Sciences from June 2006 to March 2007.MATERIALS: A total of 128 female, healthy, Sprague-Dawley rats were selected for this study. Main reagents and instruments: Evans Blue dye (Sigma Company, USA), fluorescence spectrophotometer (Shimadzu Company, Japan), and transmission electron microscope (Olympus Company, Japan). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Brain tissue water content was determined by the wet-dry method. BBB permeability in the cerebral cortex was determined by Evans Blue dye and fluorescent spectrophotometer. The ultrastructural changes in BBB were observed with transmission electron microscope.RESULTS: Compared with the sham-operated group, SAH induced a significant increase in brain water content between 24 and 60 hours (F = 888.32, P 0.05). Electron microscopy demonstrated only a mild perivascular edema at 24 hours after SAH. By 36 hours, a notable perivascular edema was associated with a collapse of the capillary. Astrocytic endfeet surrounding the capillary were prominently swollen in the edematous areas. The above-mentioned abnormal ultrastructural changes in the BBB were reversed by 72 hours after SAH. No obvious morphological changes in the BBB were detected in the sham-operated rats.CONCLUSION: These results directly suggest that SAH could induce rapid changes in BBB function and structure during the acute phases of BBB breakdown. Moreover, these dynamic alterations further indicate that the BBB possesses the ability to self-repair. BBB dysfunction plays an important role in the development of vasogenic edema and unfavorable outcome.
目的 观察莫沙必利加百忧解治疗功能性消化不良的疗效.方法 对60例FD患者随机分为治疗组30例,对照组30例.两组患者均给予莫沙必利治疗,治疗组加用百忧解治疗.结果 两组患者治
OBJECTIVE To examine the therapeutic effects and toxicity of high-dose-folinic acid plus a 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) bolus and continuous infusion with 5-FU combine
目的 为提高大面积深度烧伤引起的广泛性瘢痕增生的康复疗效.方法 选择26例瘢痕病程在5个月的患者,用中药汽疗仪配合外用美宝疤痕平进行康复治疗,15天一疗程,6个疗程为观察疗