Influence of Vanadium Element on Microstructure of Electron Beam Welded Titanium Alloy to Stainless

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Electron beam welding experiments of titanium alloys with different vanadium content to stainless steel,as well as alpha titanium to stainless steel using vanadium sheets as filler metal and transition portion were carried out.Microstructures of the joints were examined by scanning electron microscope.The properties were evaluated by microhardness and tensile strength.It was shown that electron beam welding is not feasible due to the brittle Ti-Fe intermetallics with high hardness.Increase of vanadium content in base metal can restrain but can’t avoid the formation of cracks.When vanadium content was too large,the joint was embrittled by FeTi compound with supersaturated V and also cracked after welding.Crack free joint was achieved by using vanadium transition portion which can prevent the contact of Ti and Fe elements.However,the formation of brittle σ intermetallics reduced the tensile strength of the joint,only up to 134MPa. Electron beam welding experiments of titanium alloys with different vanadium content to stainless steel, as well as alpha titanium to stainless steel using vanadium sheets as filler metal and transition portion were carried out. Microstructures of the joints were examined by scanning electron microscope. The properties were evaluated by microhardness and tensile strength. It was shown that electron beam welding is not feasible due to the brittle Ti-Fe intermetallics with high hardness. Increase of vanadium content in base metal can restrain but can not avoid the formation of cracks. content was too large, the joint was embrittled by FeTi compound with supersaturated V and also cracked after welding. Crack free joint was achieved by using vanadium transition portion which can prevent the contact of Ti and Fe elements. Host, the formation of brittle σ intermetallics reduced the tensile strength of the joint, only up to 134MPa.
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[摘 要] 通过对广州工程技术职业学院艺术设计(动漫与数码设计)专业毕业设计课程的现状分析,提出了以工作过程为导向、校企融合、大赛融入的毕业设计课程改革,经过近三年的实施与实践,取得了一定的教学成果,提高了艺术设计(动漫与数码设计)专业教学质量。  [关 键 词] 艺术设计;毕业设计工作过程课程;教学改革  [中图分类号] G712 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-0603(2015)
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